Wednesday, February 03, 2010


The time is fast approaching for my first race since 2008. Next weekend is the Lost Dutchman marathon. I would say my five week training plan was going good the first three weeks but this stomach flu to lungs to sinus crap is annoying. I'd say I am recovered except for the broken glass sound in my lungs when I run. Is what it is.

Mistress had a version of this. Both parents a version. Now Mae. She has pneumonia. One would think that as parents we would be flipping out that our 11 month old has pneumonia but c'mon, by now Mighty Mo had pneumonia or bronchitis four or five times on top of all the other surgeries, scopes, hospital stays. In fact, we are damn lucky with Mae.

The only downside is that Mae treats being sick like every other person that is not Mighty Mo, so she flops around, cry's, whines, drama over vomiting and feeling miserable. It's really been Mistress shouldering the burden of this 24/7. I am leaving this weekend for a guys trip so I have been trying to bank sleep for Mistress by taking Mae downstairs at night so Mistress can sleep in peace. Which means by default, I don't sleep at all.

I am not a napper. I don't sleep well at night. If I wake up I am fully awake and nothing puts me back down except exhaustion. So I am used to 18-20 hour days. I don't like them but I deal with it. Based on the last two nights I didn't sleep at all Monday night (41 hours up) Then got about four hours sleep last night in two different periods.

Luckily there is nothing on the agenda for the family this weekend so everyone will stay home while I am gone. Then next weekend is Mae's 1st birthday. A simple affair with just close family Saturday, My marathon is Sunday. Hopefully no hospital stay on Monday. And when the marathon goes well (i.e. finish standing up with a smile on my face) I will start officially tying all my other race and adventure plans together into a cohesive schedule. And boy, oh boy, that will be fun to look at.

It's not enough to exist. I am going to live.


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