Thursday, January 28, 2010

a weak week.

Life sucks when your sick. Totally derailed my training for the marathon next month. Just zero energy. Of course its in January, one the busiest months of my industry. Good grief. I don't normally miss work but I showed up and then was sent home by my partner. Spent two days in bed feeling like I had been knifed in the belly.

That being said I am trying to stay positive....well actually, I haven't seen much this week to bolster my normally positive sunny disposition. That sort of sucks. I could look at this bright side, the stomach flu has been great for my weight loss plan. I did not default to my normal sick day food of diet Coke and peanut M&Ms. Small positive victory's.

Baby Mae is walking short distances now. Well she CAN walk short distances but she will still sit down and crawl. However she is at the point that she doesn't want to be in a lap anymore she wants to down. She is scouting out the house and the places that Mistress and I have not baby proofed. I have tried to get pictures of this but she is the most camera shy baby I know. (Pretty limited pool actually. I'm allergic to baby's).

Tomorrow is the last work day of the month, what a month. I am so behind. Between some fairly large projects earlier, half the family being gone and then sick, I have to bust ass tomorrow to get it all done. I really don't like that. I am the person that gets S done early and this rush to finish stuff sucks.

A weak week to say the least. But as the hopeful SOB that I am, I will find a way to finish all my work, get in my training and enjoy my life.

Its not enough to exist, I am going to live.


At 8:00 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Hope you get to feeling better. Life always finds a way to throw a wrench in things, and life always holds the "sick" card as a trump card in spades for me.


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