Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Mistress and Mae are soaring above the earth on the way to Europe for ten days. How the hell did those two get the adventure and Mo and I get the couch? I'm wondering that too, to be quite honest with you. Nothing nefarious I assure you, its a wedding reception on some cozy 400 year old farm cum bed & breakfast after a few days of recovery in London from the flight.

I think part of (okay a great deal of) the trepidation from Mistress is that the Tough Guy Challenge is this month in the UK and I really, really, want to do this race. I'd be tempted to pull a lost passport plan to stick around a few more days. Please take a moment and watch some of the slideshow from the website link. You will be horrified or tabbing over to Orbitz for flight info. Sometimes I just leave the slideshow up on my desktop. Sigh, why can't more races have you run fire, over live electric fences and diving through sub-freezing water obstacles.

Any regards, the couch. Do you think for a moment that Mighty Mo and I are going to be on the couch for the next couple weeks. HA. In fact we have quite a few fun little activities planned in the evenings, especially considering I can't cook. I did stock up on Lean Cuisines, Mac & Cheese (The Cheesiest), Lunchables, Peanut Butter and bread. We'll be fine. I could always try to brown some ground beef and have tacos. Most likely we will be eating out to more nutritious and delicious fare and get some movies and video gaming involved. Movies on a school night. Love it.

This weekend is a buddy buddy road trip. Yup. Queue 80's movie montage of us driving down the road with crazy tunes playing, eating Happy Meals over the hood of the car, chasing each other around funny immovable objects, changing clothes 15 times cause we can.

Well, there is a road trip but not really any of the other stuff. For one, I can't remember the last time I had any kind of burger or fries from McDonalds. Really, that's gross. But we have a great road trip planned and will blog about that in a day or so.

A question. If you could take one of your kids or a buddy/BFF and road trip from your house for the weekend, just based on the money you can spend right now, what would you want to do?


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

We wouldn't get far...but then again, there's no need to go very far. Have fun "daddy and Mo" time!

At 3:34 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I almost scored a trip to do this race for the magazine a year or so ago. Deal fell through, though. I might have to revisit this idea.


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