Thursday, January 14, 2010


Mighty Mo decided he did not want to do flag football anymore. Well that opinion changed after he had a great week of practice and a great game, offensively and defensively. In the meantime we looked at other fitness pursuits and were completely underwhelmed with the choices.

As it turns out, his teacher at school is a certified instructor in yoga for children and offers an after school class at his charter school. He jumped at the chance. Of course it helped that he got to take my yoga mat to school with him, and any chance he gets to get some of daddy's stuff is cool to him. I'm just glad I have a yoga mat for him to use.

This week he went to his first class and loved it. The minute I picked him up he said he had to show me what he learned when we got home. First we had to find a quiet space, which we did. Then we had to lay down and take five deep breaths. He tells me that this will, "Enter me". I tried to tell him he meant, "center me" but he said he would have to ask his teacher who was right. Nevertheless he did his very fast and then came over and made me do mine over again so I did exactly five and were very deep.

After this he showed me several different yoga poses, all geared to children but due to his newness they were all a bit distorted. The one that really pissed me off though was that he could touch his toes to his nose and I could not. Dang it. I'll have to work on that. Most of the moves were very basic takes on seated or floor poses and transitions. And then we finished with more Enter Breathing.

Okay, so I didn't expect my son to take to yoga as strongly as he did and I do hope he sticks with it. Aside from all the spiritual crap that is tied to it, I have no problem with yoga and have come around to it being a component to my own exercise lifestyle. I'd rather he and I (and Mistress even) do yoga together in a class than me stab my eyes out watching him play soccer or basketball for a couple seasons. At least it would teach him how to calm down quickly after being amped up playing with friends or family, help him stretch and become more limber and maybe help incorporate some different eating habits in a way that doesn't put that monkey on mom and dad.

It's not enough to exist. I am going to live.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I love the "enter me". Since Thursday Family Game Night was such a hit, I told the kid we're going to starting having Tuesday Family Yoga Night.


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