Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A plateau is not time to relax because its flat

The closer a person gets to their weight loss goal, the harder it becomes to reach it. You see this all the time. Lets say you want to lose 50 pounds and lose 40 pounds, yet obsess over the last 10 because those seem the hardest to come off. You consider the ten that won't come off more important than the forty that already has. Often times this is given over to reaching a plateau. The body does suffer plateaus, but it is only doing this because you have not changed what your doing. You have not created confusion, your body's physical plateau is only because you have created one mentally.

When you first started your weight loss program you were excited. You had vision, purpose and direction and this created tremendous energy inside of you that allowed you to drop significant weight and body fat very quickly. It allowed you to start or increase physical activity that you had not yet seen yourself do. This vision, this purpose, this direction to reach a new goal weight, is at that moment complete confusion for you. I know this is counter-intuitive but understand that when a body is at rest it stays at rest, much like Common Man Syndrome is a lazy and uninspired life. Movement to a lazy body (or mind) is not just confusion, its freaking chaos. Arms and legs moving, stress placed upon muscles, heart rate increasing, mental energy creating adrenaline. The body can't keep up and weight loss occurs. That is until two things occur. One is physical cessation, the other is mental compromise.

For example, when you train for a running race and then finish that race, it is often necessary to have a recovery period commensurate to the distance of the event. Is it no surprise that when you run everyday for several months, then take two weeks off, that you will have lost the momentum you had with your pace and distance? Our body gets accustomed to rest far easier than exercise.

It's the same with weight loss. If you're dropping pounds and inches by caloric restriction and after losing most of your goal weight, cheat or cross your personal intake line more often than in the beginning, you will slow if not reverse your progress. In your mind you are thinking, I have come so far, I am almost there, I deserve a bit of a victory and this item will provide that. This is physical cessation of caloric restriction and a bit of mental compromise.

The other half of this weight loss issue is the mental part. When your on the other end of losing a lot of weight, and lets use 50 pounds again because its easy to imagine, it is easy to rally yourself around such a big obtainable goal. Weighing +50 pounds over your goal weight, is sickening, frightening, maybe also painful but certainly uncomfortable. When this person drops, say 40 pounds with 1o left, their whole paradigm has changed. Along losing forty pounds, you could have lost as much as forty inches of skin circumference measurements. That goes a very long way towards changing someones perspective.

Regardless of this positive change in perspective, if the body is not continuously confused or challenged, it will revert to rest. If your mind has bought into its own bullshit and equivocated losing 40 pounds as good enough, you will never get the last 1o off. You will never reach your goal.

So for those of you that have already given up your News Years resolution, (remember you had that resolution weight loss goal two weeks ago?) its never too late to start again. If your well on your way or almost at the end, realize that regardless of how focused your are, your body just wants to sit down. Your mind just wants to rest. And will trick you into believing your done or where you want to be, when really you are not.

When you reach a plateau, either through a trick of nature, or physical cessation or exercise or mental lapses causes you to take focus off your goal, remember you have the ability, immediately, to create the energy necessary to get past it. So do it.

Its not enough to exist. I am going to live.



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