Saturday, January 23, 2010

Joyous Homecoming

Mistress and Mae made it home safe and sound last night. Well not exactly sound. Their flight from Philly was canceled and had to wait three hours for another flight. At least when they go to Phoenix the airport was empty. We ended up waiting almost a half hour for the luggage to show, so Mae and Mo and the rest of us all got to hang out, crawl on the floor and walk around. Very fun.

Mistress did not get me any gifts. She figured if the right thing didn't pop out then saving money would be the great gift for me and she was right. I did get some of the Queens chocolate which she got at Windsor. Mo got a snow globe which he really liked, plus some chocolates.

The parents came over and Mae went nuts for them. She is walking much better though not on her own yet. Close. Her legs are so strong right now. I think it all just biomechanics. Her and Mighty Mo played like fulls this morning. Of course mommy and babys schedules are off so its the middle of the day and they are sound asleep. Mo is playing PS2 and I am watching a movie online. Waiting for Mae to wake up first so we can take her and let Mistress sleep some more.

Training is not were I wanted it while Mistress was gone but I can cope. Mostly treadmill stuff but whatever.


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Safe is key!!!


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