Thursday, January 21, 2010

Times up on singlehood

Mighty Mo and I have survived almost two weeks without mommy around. I know that eventually people adjust to life without a spouse to help out, but damn. I really don't do much to keep the house up on a day to day basis, its just the roles that we have carved out for ourselves and our marriage. I don't cook, I don't do laundry, Mistress takes Mighty Mo to all his therapy's, appointments, practices, and school. I am folding it all in but of course Uncle Murphy through three or four work altering deadlines at me while she was gone. Eventually all this new stress built up in me and I have been running around on a short fuse all the time.

Oh, please do not think I have taken any aggression or frustration out on Mighty Mo. Kids a champ. And empathetic like no other. Lately, I have taken to apologizing to him at night for feeling like we are rushing around and I am releasing steam by cursing the clock. He forgives me every time. Scary how that kid understands people.

Which by the way, no matter how many times it happens, it still freaks me out a bit when people stop in their tracks in front of him and feel compelled to talk to him. It happened again this week at the store. We passed this person a couple times in the aisles and each time she looked at Mighty Mo in a quizzical way, like when she saw him she was trying to remember something. Sure enough, at another passing she stopped in front of him. He looked up at her like he was expecting it and she bent down. It never seems to fail that when this happens I am somehow about ten feet way from him. He could be holding my hand or laying under the cart the whole time and the first time I notice he is off to the side, someone is talking to him.

After a few minutes, she stands up, smiles very brightly, touches his shoulder and walks away. Never saw her again. Now you may think I am making this up, but this situation happens really often. Like the kids a Buddha or something.

Well at least I kept him alive until his mom and sister get back from their trip.



At 3:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll both be glad to see the gals back -- but I think you did much more than keep Mo alive!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Sounds like a great ending to some quality father/son time!


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