Monday, January 04, 2010


I had very little time over my vacation to sit, meditate, reflect, envision, plan, act, on business for 2010. This is uncharacteristic of me as I usually spend consider time in contemplation for the year ahead. Instead I found myself swirling around ideas, touching them, them walking away. Jotting a note for an event then misplacing it. In those rare moments that I could sit and write in silence, it was all historical notes and documenting adventures, nothing that looked ahead.

As it stands I have made some notes on my activities for 2010. I don't have dates, I barely have tentative agreements and buy in. But the good news is that I am being proactive to events rather than reactive. Meaning, in complete honesty, I would not have done a rim-2-river-2-rim, had it not been a paid for company event. Its something I have always wanted to do, I just would have waited till this year to accomplish. It all worked out but I was rushed.

By now most people know I am back on the market for adventures and fitness pursuits and I'm getting in all sorts of offers for events. There are just some things I have to say "no" too, regardless of how fun it would be. I am going to dictate my events this year. I may jump into something but it will be my decision based on my current recovery and the potential damage I may do my recovery.

Mistress and I are back to good with training plans. She may not trust me to always do the right thing, I still don't trust myself 100%, but she at least knows I am doing my best to do good and not reach beyond my limits. She more than trusts that I will put family events and priorities above training plans. That might be the biggest issue of trust between any endurance athlete and spouse, the time factor between selfish pursuits and family.

I am going to sit down as soon as possible to start actually taking these swirling ideas and putting dates and commitments to paper and creating action plans to see me through. Of course these will be posted on here.

Its not enough to exist, I am going to live.


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