Monday, December 21, 2009

Is that you?

In the last month, my training and nutrition have been pretty spot on. Enough so that every day of the last week, people have remarked I look significantly thinner. And that is true. Clothes are looser, face and neck thinner. It's nice getting that kind of recognition from my peers.

The sad fact is that for 18 months my fitness was not a priority, recovering my kidneys and liver took that distinction. Its seems that for now, at the level I am training, I am keeping the lid on that situation. But I took a hit physically and nutritionally. I never really put on a lot of weight but as I get older the weight becomes more noticeable. Thus I am beginning to believe the converse is also true. Read the first paragraph.

Though I work through Wednesday and have to attend a meeting next week, I won't physically interact with my management staff in a significant way until January 4 or 5. I am going to use this dark time as a way to really take the training and nutrition to a whole new level and make some huge leaps in my progress.

Being on vacation allows me to push the training a bit more and then truly recover with rest instead of working 10-12 hours each day. I just need to avoid the excess Christmas calorie and not become overwhelmed with other peoples (read: family) obligations they want to put on me which conflicts with me working on myself.

Wanting to devote time to myself for exercise is selfish and you will never hear me say otherwise. But a persons fitness is more than physical, it is mental, emotional and spiritual as well. How can you love others if you don't love yourself? How can you be the leader of your family if you can't lead from the front? Why be good when you can be great? Is that you? It's me.

Its not enough to exist, I am going to live.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Best holiday wishes to you and yours. Glad your discipline with respect to kidney and liver rehab has yielded good results.


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