Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kona Quake

A 6.6 magnitude quake has hit the Big Island of Hawaii and Kona took a hard hit. In fact several after shocks have rocked the island the the state. I pray that everyone is okay and that the Ironman World Championship goes off.

A lot of people will be traveling there in the next week.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Andy said...

I heard about it last night, and then followed up with it on the news this morning. It seems that only part of one highway was covered with a landslide, and that can be cleaned up (or is already cleaned up) before the weekend. The race director said that all is still on schedule for Sunday(?).

I heard various accounts from people on the news about how it affected them personally, but I have not heard of anyone dying or injured as of yet. I am just glad it was not worse. Being on a volcanic island in the middle of the ocean is not the most friendly place to have an earthquake.



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