Monday, October 09, 2006

The Cheese, The Wing and The Mo

Heady days in the Valley of the Sun. Not all good news today but some exciting news. I met The Big Cheese at Hooters for some slapstick fun. TBC told me to look for the guy in the Fat Suit, but when I walked in the door, it was like lunch time at a Comic Book Convention, tubs o' lard all. I asked eight or nine of the biggest Losers eating alone if they were TBC and between stealing glances at the waitress and sucking the meat off the leftover wing bones, none said 'Yea'. I decided to sit and have him come to me.

Finally TBC walked in the door and threw me a wave. I didn't wave back at first, because...ya know...I was throwing up in my mouth a little bit, but eventually I built up the courage to shake his hand. He had brought the oft mentioned 'Producer' with him, in case I turned out be some crazed lunatic and he needed backup.

Well really, in all honesty, I did meet TBC today and it was a blast. I have loved reading his blog though it is not a family site to say the least. We tried to meet up when he lived in town but were unsuccessful. We have talked on the phone a few times until he thought I was stalking him and he changed his cell phone number.

I was going to ask for a picture but figured the two of us were ugly enough to make make a momma babboon cry. I mean... he is the The Big Cheese and I am a self admited cross between Quasimodo and the Elephant Man.

But we had a good time, he didn't hit on waitress and then cry. I didn't cry. I didn't hit on the waitresses either but they all seemed to know my name by the time TBC got there. For the life of me I can't figure out why he has such a hard time with the ladies since is he is a really funny likeable guy. Oh wait...ya know you ladies sure can throw some weird stuff at us guys. Always saying you want the nice dependable ones in the movies and yet sleep with all the bad boys in real life.

In a well timed attempt to completely deflate the humor in this post, Mighty Mo just got back from the doctors and with the cheerfullist of voices proclaimed over the phone, "I sick!" Yes, the six minute in-office Strep test came back positive in less than five, no need to send a second sample to the lab. So more antibotics to fight this illness along with the stuff he just got put on for the colitis.

As usual he is aplomb about life and cheerful and positive, even though run down and miserable. If only I could bottle a portion of his goodness for my ironman marathon.

I went home from work to be with him, so Mistress could go back to the office and finish work. I am lucky enough today that I can work from any computer.

Taper's starting just great!! See my big smile! ("F-ing Murphy" muttered under breath)


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

The thought of you two in a bar scares me. Good thing you have your A race coming right up.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger :) said...

Get better, little Mo.

And all this time, I thought TBC was just an alias of yours!

At 4:55 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

It was good to meet you today. Although I felt odd when every few minutes I would catch you looking at my cleavage...but flatering none-the-less.

PS. Sorry about all the sweating and the smell of feet.

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Spandex King said...

Did you get TBC laid? You should have taken him to Mexico. He's so funny.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Man, that Mo goes throught it. Whatever you do...Don't get strep. Wash your hands, take vitamin C, don't share cups, food.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

tbc... with you he checked out your cleavage. with me, he checked out my ankles. something's wrong here... not that there's anything wrong with that.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

hey comm read my blog today please!


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