Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ebb and Flow Part 2.

This weekend I am running a Polar Clinic at a LBS. Next door to the LBS is a TJ Max. Mistress is a big fan of the Max. I have never been in one and don't really understand the obsession. For all intents it's a store that sells designer clothing, jewelery and goods from large retailers and designers at massive discount prices. Something about women and a store on perpetual "Fire Sale" status.

I went inside just to call her later and rub it in, but they had some really cool stuff in there. Among all the Polo shirts and designer clothing I decided to get a new pair of pants. Like everyone else that is size conscious, I took three sizes to the dressing room, the 'in perfect world but ultimately I will have to suck in my gut and when I see myself in the mirror my belly will look like a muffin top' pair, the "if I was good on my diet I will fit in these' pair and the 'yeah I suck, same size as the last three years' pair.

Deciding to get the pain over with I put on the smallest pair.

-Crap, they not only fit, their loose.
-Quick check the tag inside to see if its mislabeled. Not mis-labeled.
-Must be stretched, get the same size in another brand. (This forced me to run across the store in the jeans and in my socks praying no one stole my shorts and shoes in the dressing room.)
-Okay don't be surprized, don't be surprized, OH CRAP their loose too!

So not only did I buy a $80 pair of jeans for $25, I got them three sizes smaller than the last pair I bought. Woo-Hoo! ( I had to ask my receptionist if I spelled that right, blame her).

Went for my last big run a 20 miler today and only put in 14. At 10, my knees started to get really sore and limped it in. I believe the damage is just repeative stress to the joints from all the pounding I have been doing on the bike and road with my last two peak weeks. With a good taper, a little vodka and orange juice, some ice (for both the drink and my knee) I will just fine for Florida.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Congrats on going down three sizes! You must have been swimming in your old jeans.

At 9:00 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

dude, i don't get the max either - who has time for that kind of shopping? but good job on the shrinkage - way to go!

At 3:44 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

TJ Max is for bargain hunters. I can only visit once or twice a year.

Congrats on the bargain jeans and the smaller size!

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Yeah, TJ Maxx/Marshalls is the bomb! I go there to get regular everyday clothes, or if I need some white button downs, since they are cheap there as well. Otherwise I will get everything else at regular stores.

I am trying to fight the pants fight as well. I have been a size 32 waist for the longest time, and now I am having to battle keeping that size. My Dad's side of the family has somewhat of an overweight issue with the men, and combine that with my sit down at work job.

Getting into this triathlon lifestyle has kept me at a 32 and with just a tiny bit extra work, I will be less than that. Along with all the other benefits that Bolder listed on his blog the other day...


At 8:15 AM, Blogger :) said...

let's not call it "shrinkage", okay dread???

At 10:12 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

um, oh yeah...ooops - my bad.


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