Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Copy Cat...

Tim DeBoom, the Boulder CO resident who is America's greatest hope for continued Kona success is out of the race this month. The link goes to the article about his stress fracture of the tibia. Hmmmm? Doesn't that sound familiar? DeBoom, if he had a blog, probably would have posted something like this a few weeks before the fracture occured.

Its taper time so I decided that today I will wear a normal watch. Gasp! I know. I feel naked not wearing a watch that gives heart rate data, pace, distance and calories burned. What good is a watch that can't upload a pretty graph to my computer? Anyone else feel like you turn back into a normal person when you taking your training watch off?


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

I NEVER take off my training watch...except when I sleep. It's the only watch I have! So when I have to get dressed I did for my wedding a few years back, off came the watch. (We didn't time the ceremony...but it was short and sweet!)

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Tim Deboom last time passed a kidney stone while racing Kona. Tough luck.

I just hope he comes back next year even stronger. feels weird...after the hours of training and work and sleep and repeat...everything becomes quieter and calmer.

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

he's really more of a Lyons kinda guy than Boulder, but, we'll still claim him as one of your own.

how in the HELL does a professional athlete get a stress fracture in the tibia!

i feel the opposite actually, i feel like i'm getting ready for some BUSINESS when i strap some technology ON! taking it off, i only feel, well lighter, and satisfied.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Andy said...


I feel somewhat lost. But it is also nice to know you are getting your workout in, and you are not having to analyze every step, heartbeat, calorie burned.

Takes a bit off of the shoulders if you know what I mean.



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