Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Lyrical Poet

Well maybe not, but I can copy, cut and paste like a mutha F-er. BOY!!!!

(internal dialogue)"I pray to god sarcasism translates to the internet. PleasePleasePleasePlease."

Nancy and I bantered back and forth about something and she asked me to re-write the theme song to Smoky and the Bandit sung by Jerry Reed and apply it to Ironman Florida. Its a very familiar melody to those that have seen the movie. I hope that you get it.

After the jump...


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

sarcasm translates to the net.

otherwise, why would anyone read my blog?

i don't know the tune. sersly. do not.

somehow, my ubersexualness must have done a hill billy block on it or somethin'?


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