Saturday, August 12, 2006

Not the first but the latest

Had a good swim today. I went for a full 2.4 miles and finished in 1hr 45min. I understand I am breaking no records but so what, I break the ironman cut off and I felt pretty good after. In fact so good that at 0830 I popped a bud light and watched the boats and jet ski's in the lake while talking to a couple of team mates.

I was going to brick a 3 mile run but will have you fine people know that I listened to reason and rested my legs instead. I put in 20 miles on two walk/run workouts this week and decided to play it cool before my ride tomorrow.

Because its has been so hot and I need longer rides than whats been offered in the club, I began riding two hours earlier. So I would start at 0500 instead of when everyone else started at 0700 and just time my loops accordingly to met up. Well it started a trend. Now there is a 0500 and a 0700 group.

I decided earlier in the week that this Sunday I was going to start at 0400, to get in one extra 14 mile loop before the 0500 people showed and then I would have 3 or 3.5 loops in before meeting the 0700 gang. Well I let it slip to Heather a team member and IMFL entrant, since she missed all of last weeks long ride and she told Hardcore, who happened to be sitting across the table from her since this occurred over beers waiting for the storm to blow over on Thursday.

Mike said, "I'm in."

I told mike it wasn't necessary, his last two races this year are an Oly and and a 1/2, why put yourself through a 0400 start. He looked at me and said, "Dude, you were there for every stroke, every pedal and every step of my training plan for Ironman Arizona and you knew you weren't doing it. I'm going to be there for you."

The next day I got a call from John who was mock mad at me for not inviting him and telling me he will also be there at 0400.

So tonight I go to bed early and will wake up at 0245 to be out the door by 0325 and be riding by 0400. The goal is a modest 75 miles with the potential of 90 miles before the temp's get to hot, its supposed to be 107 degrees.

Oh and by the way, I have the coolest training partners on the planet.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

U wake up early..definitely deserve a beer at 0830.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Great job with the swim, Comm. Knowing that you can make the distance within the cutoff has to be a serious relief off your back. And you made it with *plenty* of time to spare!


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