Saturday, August 12, 2006

Happy Birthday PC

Today is the 25th anniversary of the first personal computer from IBM. Wow, only that old. It seems like computers and Bill Gates have been around forever. What year did you or family get your first computer?

Do you remember the five inch floppy disk? It has since gone the way of the beta video tape, but if you do remember them, it would take ten of them to old the information of one mp3 song.

So today as you surf the web, give the little filly doing the work a loving pat on the tower. Twenty five years ago today, technology to slacking to whole new level.

Oh and today is Mistress birthday too, though she is a slighty more mature than 25. My birthday was a few weeks ago which means my body turned 36 on August 1st and my memory will turn 20 on November 8th.


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Happy Birthday to the Mistress!

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Flo said...

Happy Birthday to the Mistress.

Wow, 25 years!!! Someday I will have to blog about my brush with greatness. I hung out with Steve Jobs in his dad's garage before Apple was Apple. My first job was a key punch operator entering data onto a monster mainframe. My first computer was a Hyundai (yes, that's right). I believe it was 286 with a 5" floppy drive - It was top of the line at the time.

I remember about 15 years ago, a friend and I used to log into a bulletin board that got us into the University of Hawaii system that allowed us to drop into the UC system through which we could access the University of Illinois (I think) and from there we could get into this thing called the internet. It was this amazing system where all this information was stored and if you had the ftp you could see this information yourself - wow, it was cool!!!

Do you remember when you used to send e-mail and it would travel at night? You would send an e-mail and then have to wait a day to get a reply?? And we thought that was fast...

Okay, that's it, I'm officially old.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Happy Birthday to the Mistress and to the IBM PC!

I was on computers before the PC, though. PET and Apple IIe both preceded it and I could write simple programs for both. Ah, the benefits of being in the giftie class!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

I should say my first computer I used was my friends, yes a Commodore. At college same friend had a IBM 386, I remember how cool it was to use a pc for my papers instead of a typewriter. I still can see that baby blue screen with white letters and full size cursor box blinking away.


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