Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh the humanity

While out on my run this afternoon, a ten miler, I heard a toss away news release at the bottom of the hour, "Krispy Kreme has filed for bankrupcy and closed its doors in Arizona." That was it. But it says alot. Krispy Kreme has been stylized as one of the great sins in this country, not that this country wants to discuss sin. But the Krispy Kreme doughnut which is a marvel of sugar and fat has reached an understanding with our pop culture conscious with as much gusto as the 1 pound cheeseburger and stock news footage from the 6 o'clock news showing obese people walking away from the camera while a nattily dressed news-chick with her non-regional specific dialect tells us how bad a person we are for eating them.

Well I don't think just because Krispy Kreme is closed that all of a sudden cholesterol numbers will go down and people will cancel their gastric bypass appointments but think that there should be some reporting that even though we half heartedly hate the fact that we krispy kreme doughnuts, that we don't love them enough to want their business to be successful.

I was always a Dunkin' man myself, as in Dunkin' Doughnuts, the much maligned and goofed mainstay of police officers and late night workers. To be honest I;m not so much the doughnut fan as I think they have awesome coffee. Just trust me in this.

So its fair well to the upstarts, leave the flashy conveyer belts and stream of chocolate toppings behind and put those expenditures on the bottom line instead of the cake rack. Meanwhile I will continue to walk by the doughnut case at the gas station and get my 20 oz drip coffee and a power bar, the true breakfast of champions.


At 1:33 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I never understood the hype of the whole thing. KK's always tasted like a regular donut to me.


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