Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Curse? Hardly.

"Its 3:30 in the morning. I have another hour and fifteen minutes before I have to get up to swim. I am so excited to swim today and try out my new mechanics from the swim coach. I'll just lay here and try to fall asleep again."

"It 4:30 in the morning and I might as well get up and get ready; take all little extra time to eat some oatmeal, take my vitamins and sit on the pot." "Oh cool the sun's is going to be up by 5:00 tomorrow when I start my bike ride."

"God this coffee tastes good. Thank the lord for a Quick Trip next to my house." "I can't stand all this weekend FM infomercial. Why can't I get in a good channel? Oh yeah, the oldies is coming in just fine, nothing like a little James Brown in the morning."

"I feel sorry for those poor folks who can't witness a beautiful sunrise while sipping coffee, driving to the swimming hole for a two mile swim while listening to American Pie by Don McLean. A curse to train before daylight...I don't think so. I love when the sun is just peaking over the mountains and casts that shadowy light on the valley below, almost like a thin veil of fog. I can't believe its only 77 degrees, I got the windows down and the a/c off."

"Almost there. Ah the straight-away, I got my coffee going on, I got no traffic in front of me, lets hit 90 on this bad boy before the switchbacks start. " That was awesome, 85 mph and Thin Lizzys Boys are back in town on the radio."
Those were most of thoughts heading out to the lake today; it truly is a blessing to be going to do something you love to do when the sun comes up. Some people just groan at having to get up early for working out, but how can you complain.

I had a great swim, two miles went by so quick. I practiced keeping my head down and swimming in the forward quadrant thanks to feedback from the swim analysis. It really did pay off to have that done.

Have a great weekend.


At 5:18 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I think most folks (myself included) don't appreciate how good we really have it in this country. Not *nearly* enough to what we/I should.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

This is my all time favorite post of yours. Nothing too deep, jus tthe simple joy of training in the morning. Great post.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes. All true Comm's. Training in the morning is always a spiritual experience for me. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. Ya, sometimes it is hard to get out of bed in the morning, but I always do, because when I train in the morning, I always have a wonderful day full of energy. Kind of counter intuitive, isn't it? Anyway, I share in your joy of morning training, whole heartedly.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger SRR said...

What a great attitude!! Thanks for that!

At 6:24 AM, Blogger :) said...

Nice outlook...thanks for reminding me!


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