Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oly Thursday

I love Thursday training.

Run...well jog...well technically I will probably walk most of it.

But I love Thursday training.

Before my leg went all jiggy on me The Machine and I were up to a full Olympic distance training on this day albeit in a schewed order. We start with a one hour ride outdoors or spin in his rehab clinic, then drive to the lake and swim 2500 yards in open water then run a 8k. Then when we got back to the car all of us that ran would cool down watching the sun set over the canyon and having a beer before driving home.

Now the Machine really hasn't stopped doing Oly Thursdays and Hardcore has started showing up for the spin so he is 'Tricking' his Thursdays as well, everyone else just swims and runs which is really quite the workout in and of itself.

Lately I have only rode and swam and maybe walked a bit after but no longer. I am taking something of everything off tonights plate.

I had the opportunity to 'Quad' today by adding an hour ride at 0500 but I declined to stay up a little later with Mistress since we haven't seen each other much lately.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Commodore I love hte new jersey u have..

sounds like the perfect day to me...swim, spin..and walk (good..let that leg rest)

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Glen said...

wish I could come out today but still tired from thr trip and would be a waste of time see you next week. Later

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Jiggy... you're the only one that I've ever heard use that word besides Will Smith. :)

Hope that leg continues to get better for you. Injuries suck. :(

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Andy said...

My girlfriend uses "jiggy" but not in that context of the word. I have not done a triple in long time, besides a race. I feel you on spending more time with the woman. I have had to scrap two workouts last month since we did not really see each other, and I just made an executive decision that she was mmmmmmoooooorrrrrreee importaaannnnnt than triathlon. Wow that was really hard to write, just kidding.

Heal up and get better!



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