Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let Me Help the end

I like doing good things for people. If this can help you out then I have done my job.

Situation: I use CarboPro. For those that don't know what that is, its basically a calorie addtion that you put in your bike bottle along with your Gatorade or PowerBar Endurance or Cytomax or whatever nutrition you perfer to fuel your training session. CarboPro is a neutral tasting powder so it doesn't sweeten or change the flavor of whatever you use it just adds more calories to the bottle.

One serving (2 scoops) equals 224 calories, all carbs, no protein, no fat. I have added as much as six servings (12 sccops) to a large bike bottle along with three or four sevings of powdered Gatorade or Cytomax to get up to 1,800 calories in essentially a 28 ounce bottle. I would then consume on average 300 calories per hour on the bike. (I can do a whole other post on just this technique)

As you can see, this means a lot of CarboPro. CarboPro is not cheap. On the low side it runs approximately $20 for a 3 pound jug. Something must be done.

The intrepid Age Grouper (thats me) had to find a cheaper way to get my liquid calories in me for training and racing. When I ran out of the Gatorade powder I was using at the time, I didn't buy another jug; instead I went with 100% CarboPro and added lemon juice into the water. Works well but you have to up the amount of sodium pills you take since your getting zero electrolyte replacement.

Its a spartan training style but I wanted some more flavor and bought a jug of Ctyomax and I am back to having a huge exspence.

Solution: Think outside the box. I sort of dabble in staying up on the supplementation industry and see that CarboPro is made from just one ingredient, maltodextrin, which as everyone knows is just plain old corn. (You knew that right?) And corn is a bulk product, maybe maltrodextrin is as well, so I google it online. BING BING BING.

Bulk maltodextrin for cheap. How cheap? Five pounds for $8.00. Add a handling fee and its shipped to my door for $13.48.

That is $2.69 per pound versus $6.66 in the local bike shop. Thats 40% off with shipping. With shipping!!

I can get behind that kind of savings. Can you?


At 7:26 AM, Blogger :) said...

Nice. You are the man! That's my ($) kind of research...

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Glen said...

thanks man thats good advice, I was wondering what to put into some bottles when I do the long rides.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger "Smash" said...

I love that price savings! I need to know if that completely works for you. I might check that out if you think it is still neutrally flavoring. I plan on checking out that carbo pro.


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