Saturday, August 26, 2006

Jump away fade...

Just checking mail and thought I would throw a quick post in the hoop. No training today, I helped out at a Polar seminar this morning, (have to keep the sponsors happy), and it was kind of a bust. As luck would have it the state cycling championships are this weekend so pretty much all the purists are gone.

Sunday is our swim, bike, run 'training day' that just happens to be sprint or olympic distance. Will be interesting to see how many people attend. I am looking at it as a good training plan, but already I see that I will want to go past my ironman training zone and into not being the last person to cross the finish line. I mean look its obviously counter productive to do an olympic at iron pace and expect to come in the top 30 percent. Olympic's should be a red line experience not staying in zone two.

I hope to have some good stuff to post by tomorrow afternoon.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Andy said...

I know the feeling. I have done that both ways... Having something left in the tank when you are done with a race (not good), or having nothing left in the tank and not being done with your race/workout...

Have a good rest of your weekend.



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