Thursday, August 24, 2006

An sprint and a secret

Thursday is the triple workout day, a little from each. If things go according to plan, meaning there is a big storm planted over Phoenix right now, I will get in a one hour bike, 45 minute open water swim and a 30 minute run. Gotta love Thursdays, a sort of weekly sprint or olympic distance kick off for hard core weekend training.

For anyone in the Phoenix area looking for a little race focus training this Sunday, I hear tale of an underground triathlon taking place at Butcher Jones Bay, which is just up from Saguaro Lake. I must confess this was not my idea, I did not take this from anyone online, it came from another party. But under extreme duress I may cop to having come up with the race course layout. But only under duress and I won't take that fall by myself. There are several other people going down with me.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

Too bad you don't live on the West Side! Not a drop over here - just the rumbles of thunder!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger :) said...

Wish I could be there!

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Glen said...

i'll see u out at the lake for a swim and run.


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