Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday Night Lite

There was a time in my glorious past that a Friday night consisted of being treated like family at a number of popular bars by the owners and bartenders. High ball glasses flowing with Jack and Coke for bartender price ($2 versus $10 for the crowds).

There was a time in my glorious past of drinking a few too many beers or cocktails along with some snacks and passing out in front of the TV while watching at movie till midnight.

There still is occasionally sparks of my previous life that was once ruled by the sweet tooth. I couldn't get enough chocolate, ice cream, peanut butter, caramel, fudge,pieces of chocolate and whip cream into a bowl. I would buy pints of french vanilla ice cream and tubes of pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough and make my own gooey mix, since I didn't think anyone else got the ratio right.

However, tonight I come to you in my current state, that of a man driven to complete Ironman. Falling asleep on the couch at 7pm on a Friday night. Still 2,000 calories in the hole today despite trying to eat as much as I can without going into the fast food zone.

I come to you tonight with my newest concoction. No it is not gooey, nor chocolatey, nor does it include cookie dough. It is made in a blender and uses crushed ice...

Its a Gatorade X-Factor, Orange and Tropical Punch flavor slushy. Damn if doesn't actually taste good.


At 8:33 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

Why oh why did I read this when I am craving any chocolatey goodness. Instead I will go make my own vanilla steamer using light soy milk and sugar free flavoring. Yummy, yummy. Your concoction sounds good, too. Get your beauty rest.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Flo said...

You mean ice cream and cookie dough is not good training food???

Thank god we all grew up, huh???

Get to sleep early, you have a big weekend planned :)

At 6:56 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Funny how things change. A few nights ago I was getting hungry and I actually thought, "Mmm. I could go for some tangy orange endurox right now."

As a fellow jack and coke man, we owe ourselves one after the race at some point.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

We don't drink, we hydrate. We don't eat food, we have "nutrition." Mmmmmmmmm. Tasty.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

They never put enough cookie dough in the ice cream!


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