Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Well I made that up...

Nothing really went right yesterday until it was almost over.

Drove out to two clubs to work with people and at each club the person was gone. As I pulled into my third club where I was going to swim, I got a call to return to my office to pull some stuff off my computer for a meeting. No sweat, I can spin tonight at home and still be good for the day.

At 6pm as I was getting ready to leave The Machines office after an adjustment, I get a frantic call from Mistress as she is driving home, "Do not leave. Do not come home. Do not drive. A massive monsoon is right over the house and all the streets are flooded. I had to drive on the curb to get home. The park is flooded. The thunder and lightening is so loud and bright that Mo is telling it to be quite. The wind or a lightening bolt has destroyed the pool fence. I am really freaked out, but do not come home yet."

Okay...well The Machine had to hang out for a few hours after work anyway's since his son was at a meeting at the civic center so we went to a bar and each had a dozen buffalo wings and couple microbrews.

So all the calories that I was way deficient on over the weekend, I have officially replaced with three alarm boneless wings and good beer. The company was top notch too. Almost an empty bar and fifteen big screens playing football, poker and baseball. The Machine and I worked on his Polar clinic this weekend that I am helping him with, discussed some club business and planned an out of country triathlon trip.

Anyone for the Cancun 70.3 mid-September 2007?


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

darn u gotta stay out in the bar..have wings and beer b/c of the massoon.

what a tough way to live :O

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

So when did you actually get home and how is your home and did you get your workout in and how did you get home and monsoons...what the hell. I didn't hear about any of that severe weather.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Steven said...

I'd love to be in Cancun for that race, but I plan to be recovering from Ironman Canada right about that time.

Maybe next time!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Yeah, I have not been able to ride on Tuesday night for the last 3 out of 5 weeks due to monsoons and thunder/lightning storms, so I feel you on that one. Fortunately the storm today passed before the ride, so I got one in anyways. I think I have been a bit over in the nutrient department, but the majority of it has been good for me, so I just need to work on burning the good stuff off.

As for Cancun September 2007.........Not a bad idea...... I might have to adjust the schedule on the blog a bit....Crap that means I have to begin saving now....when is the signup for that anyways? Speaking of which...when are they going to start signups for Florida 70.3 in May 2007??? I emailed and all they said is that they had not determined when to begin registration yet.


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