Friday, August 25, 2006


I think we can all think back fondly to those pre-triathlon days when we ate whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. When food was for entertainment instead of for fuel. When we didn't refer to a meal as 'nutrition' and liquids as 'hydration'.

As we become more physical active and fitness improves its only natural to change the stale eating habits that attributed to the physique or figure you are using triathlon to escape.

But I have a question....

What's the one surprising habit you have picked up in your nutrition program that was not there before triathlon? Good, bad or neutral. What do you Jones?

Mine? I went from not drinking any soda pop product in over a year to now I don't feel like my workout is complete without having a bottle, not can of Coke Zero. I think it began because I had to find a way to burp after having so much liquid carbohydrate in my stomach after my long rides. That burp felt so good. Now I am addicted to getting that burp. Pretty much the only time I drink diet soda pop, which is all I drink, is after a workout but I will drink like 20-24 ounces as fast as I can.

How about you?


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Susan said...

COKE, OH TASTY TASTY COKE. Never touched the stuff before, I'd actually given up the diet version years ago but, the sweet stuff is my new best friend.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

I LOVE seltzer water. No sugar. Lemon/lime or rasberry flavor. It's almost as good as a cold beer after a long hot workout and I can drink it in the morning before work. :)

On the evil side: pizza and ice cream. They are SO tasty. At 350 calories a slice, there's rarely room for pepperoni pizza in my eating. LUV it! I need 3-4 slices to feel full. Ice cream holds the same fascination but I only crave it every few months.

Off to eat my steamed spinach/broccoli with grilled chicken. :)

At 10:53 AM, Blogger S. Baboo said...

Peanut butter and banana sandwiches...every single day after work...even when dinner is staring me in the face. I do the sandwich first then dinner and then around 7:30 or 8:00...popcorn. God forbid if I am out of popcorn!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Dried fruits..dried papayas... everytime i eat it is a sugar rush but it tastes so good.

Everytime after a hard training (long bricks) i have a craving for slushies...

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

This sounds wierd, but I always crave fruit. For some reason, I can't get enough of it. I eat so much fruit, I often get stomach pain from it. In the past, I don't remember ever eating fruit.

I also have a week spot for ice cream, however, I rarely give in to the temptation.

This one is kind of new, but I love pancakes with syrup before a workout. Total energy food if eaten at the right time. Atleast for me.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

When I'm really good about regular training I find myself craving fresh fruit and veggies and whole grains - I don't have to force myself to eat them.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Rainbow said...

I generally eat healthy food, most of the time. I do find I reward myself more often with Sinless Sweet Cream or some other treat. I now eat foods that have fat in them that I would not have even put within my reach before all of the training, but I know that it has something in it I can use as fuel.


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