Thursday, August 07, 2008

Rescue Ranger

I was working at a job fair yesterday and as a bunch of us were leaving there was a young pigeon that was in obvious distress. One the guys started to sneak up on it and it waddled off but it was certainly catchable.

I decided that this bird was going to die but there is no reason for it to do so in oppressive heat. So I walked over, picked it up and carried it half mile to my car. Some of the others were laughing that I would pause to take care of a bird, others applauded my decency. I suppose its a bit of both. But just the act of picking up a bird is just something people don't see.

Mo already thinks daddy is the Best Hunter In The Whole World. Just in the last few months he has seen me catch three fish and couple lizards with my hands and now a bird.

Mo was ecstatic to have a new pet to care for. He made sure the lighting was low and reminded us to be quite. After a bit of water, it slept until morning. This morning he desperately wanted to take it to grandmas so he could make sure it rested because he knows its 'sick'. I have reminded him that the bird, which he has already named, may not make it. He is okay with that.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger :) said...

you're a saint. let me know how it tastes...

At 12:24 PM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

I have unfortunately not had much success trying to help injured animals or even uninjured ones that are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most of the time I end up hurting them worse :-(

At 1:58 PM, Blogger J~Mom said...


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Cute story mr. bird helper man! Always doing your part! What's his name?


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