Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Building up a tolerance

I have moved into a new phase in the recovery program. Along with my vibrant colored meals which include lots of red and green, I have to drink a very nasty tasting herbal tea. Imagine if someone could bottle the smoke off a wet log campfire. You know the part when you can't get away from it and it chokes you out? Thats it!

I could have it worse. Two women my wife knows found lumps in their chest in the last week. One looks to have caught it sooner than the other.

Look. I may have two shot kidneys and a blown liver but my options are pretty wide open. If I just never work out again or enter a race I can live a healthy and productive life with no thought of dialysis or fatality.

Which makes me seriously wonder why I have spent way more money than I possibly should just to be...I don't no, selfish. Vain. Competitive. Oh, I know. I know. There are so many more positive adjectives to exercise than the worrisome words I just listed. I did it for all the right reasons, I know that. You really think I can accomplish anything like this without Mistress supporting me. I know and she knows, I need exercise like I need air. Like I need love. Exercise keeps me balanced. Exercise allows me to be a better man. Exercise saves me.

After convalescing for so long, you like that, my new term for recovery; I have to remind myself now to be consistent. We all know how easy it is to fall out of a habit. I am still bouncing around trying to fit training back into my life in the way it needs to be.

Just like this nasty tasting, pungent tea I have to suck down each morning, I am building my tolerance up in other areas. That includes cutting myself some slack. No one wants what I have, but I ain't trading it for something else.


At 6:01 AM, Blogger :) said...

smart man. have another "smoke-tea" on me! :)


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