Monday, August 04, 2008

Weekend Wonders

Other than the awesomely amazing comments people left me, my birth day went by with little fanfare. I went to see the Mummy 3 with my dad. Mighty Mo insisted on making me a cake with lots of frosting and sprinkles. And he did it all from pouring, mixing, spreading and sprinkles. At five years old he is better in the kitchen than his ole man.

I started the second phase of my recovery drugs over the weekend. I finished the cocktail that made me so fatigued and started a Chinese tea that is absolutely nasty. The first thing that pops into my mind is someone bottled smoke off a wet campfire. I immediately got a brand new headache.

A side affect of this, perhaps, is that food tastes terrible to me. Mistress and mom went through a lot of effort to make me my favorite foods and when I ate them, they had strong reactions with me; steak, potatoes, sandwiches, cola, beer, layered dip, even, unfortunately Mo's cake. The only thing that tasted as it should was water.

With all food tasting horrible, I could only go off texture. I ate some corn chips and tried parts of everything on my plate at meals with the family. No success. Mistress became frustrated with me, so I had to constantly affirm that it was me not her cooking.

I went to a class on Sunday that was a couple miles away. I decided to run there and back. Keeping the HR under 140 is not that easy and my pace suffered for it. I ran high 11/ 12's when I could and then walked for a minute or so for it to drop back down. It made for a frustrating workout but glad I did it. Heading back in the heat I dropped the running all together and speed walked that last mile which kept my pace around 13'/14and my pace solidly in the 130's.

Hey its Monday, today starts a new week.


At 7:37 AM, Blogger :) said...

Careful out there in the's getting unbearable lately.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Here's to a new week!! Cheers!!

If you are ever in Chicago tell Mo I want him to come and make me a cake. Please Mo!!

At 4:39 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

mmmmmm.....layered dip....

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Jana said...

Hey, Happy Birthday!!! I didn't know it was your b-day Friday! That was Glen's sister's b-day as well. I hope you had a good day! Take care of yourself!!!


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