Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cross this line

When I have a firm goal in mind, like an 'A' race, its much easier to train scared or at least have a sense of completion for all the hard work.

One of the major shifts I have made in my mind is that I am not invincible. I don't have the iron constitution that I thought I had. I am not fast or strong or have much endurance right now. I also don't have a defining moment to coalesce all the hard work I need to generate to bring all that back together. What is a soldier without a mission?

So I guess it becomes a date in time. A point in the future to look forward to that involves some consistency, some effort, some established obstacles to get to and judge my progress. I suppose New Years Day is as good as any.

I don't have any goals yet. I don't know if I can lose weight or improve my endurance or my strength. So I am not writing anything long term down on my mirror in dry erase marker. Another change in my future. I am always someone who when I came up with a goal, I told everyone about it. I made myself accountable to many, especially myself. This time I am just saying, "I will not be like this at that point."

I will be envious and self conscious of that I have no doubt. Its hard to think I once was and now am not. Nor will be some things ever again. I suppose if or when I am able to, I will be more aggressive and set up nominal goals. For now I think consistency without over exertion is my overriding training principle.


At 6:42 AM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

"Ironman" is a title that means much to me but does not define me.
No, it doesn't define you. You are many many things, including strong and encouraging and supportive and extremely thoughtful and kind.
You are a child of God, and He knows why you are going through this tough time of readjustment, and someday you will understand why. But for now I know it has to be frustrating and deflating.
I will pray for patience and wisdom for you, friend.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Sounds like a good training principle for now.

Hang in there,

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Steven said...

Sounds like you have your priorities straight, Commodore.

Nice job.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Principles can be overwhelmingly better than time or event goals.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

One of my standard lines is:
"Everybody needs goals. Even stupid goals."

I'm pretty sure that your training principles can be turned into quantified goals on a per-workout basis.


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