Friday, April 18, 2008

Changing seasons.

Feeling better today. Met the team last night to talk about our successes and failures last weekend. It was a good time for all of us, but especially me. I don't feel bad about not finishing. In hind site I feel bad I put my family in the spot I did. But they and I knew I would anyway. I have to find a way to stop self-abusing myself and jeopardizing my life.

Today, my first Friday of no training in months, I am going to see the new Jackie Chan/ Jet Li movie with dad. This weekend the zoo with the family. I will be the model Common Man. Mow the lawn, clean the garage. I promise. Nothing strenuous.

Tonight I am having a phone consult with a world class Olympic physician/coach to work with me on a game plan. A friend of the family.

Monday starts Comm's 2.0 or 3.0 or whatever version of this I am. Probably without the exercise right away. On the race course and in training I have a mantra, one of many, "Today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it." I will still use it but its been replaced with new one:

"Today is the new me."



At 2:57 PM, Blogger Megan said...

so glad to hear you're recovering. your perspective on all of this is to be admired. living and appreciating each day for what it is can prove to be a monster task, especially for those of us that can get so goal-oriented. i think we can all stand to learn a little something from you. maybe a lot of something.

keep getting stronger.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

Who are you, you rational, long-term health-oriented person, and what have you done with the real Comms?
Enjoy the movie!

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I'm glad to hear you're going to take things a little easier. Given your high level of overall fitness, I bet there are a lot of things you can do that will promote an active recovery.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Glad to hear that you're doing well and that you are taking it slow and have a plan in place. We all care about you and just want you well. Take care, Melissa

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Been following your blog for a while and just wanted to say, I am glad you are feeling better and that you are looking ahead with a plan. Everyone has has challenges, everyone deals with pain. The beauty of being an athlete is that we can take some time, reevaluate and then adjust things to put that plan into action. Hang in there. You are quite the trooper.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Keep resting and recovering Comm's!!

At 7:32 PM, Blogger triguyjt said...

great to hear you are recovering and already thinking of what to do next....

but, please keep resting...

you'll be back and kicking butt before too long

At 5:50 AM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Comm 3.1? Can we call you "3.1" for short? Does this mean you are going to be a kick-ass 5K athlete?

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Lots of stuff other than endurance events for active healthy lifestyles - enjoy exploring them!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Molly said...

I understand where you are...on a much smaller scale...I have decided to run ONLY 5K races again because the docs told me not to run anymore on my knees!
Take Care of you and that wonderful family!

At 1:10 AM, Blogger JP Flores said...

geez, I miss your blog for a week or so and holy crap, what a week to miss.

I'm sorry for the struggles that you're facing, but no doubt you'll overcome.

Be smart and keep it all in perspective. Triathlon, as wonderful as it not all there is in life. Don't risk one for the other.


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