Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hospital update

Just got turned over for my every eight hour shot, in the gut of heperin, a anti-clot. He, nurse, had my latest blood test and all indicators are normal now except CPK. That dropped to 3000 from 3500 but nowhere near the norm of 250. I am going to pray and argue hard with the dr. that controls my release that its enough to go home, otherwise logic dictates I'd be here another five or six days to reach normal level.

Mistress and Mo came to see me last night and we were all hungry so we went to the cafeteria. I was looking forward going down there all day but when I was looking at my optons was kicked out. "Patients not allowed." I think the glare in my eyes was enough to step the cook back but when I told him I was being held here against my will and would gladly pull the IV out of my arm for a cheeseburger he found something to do away from me. I made a hasty retreat to the exit to wait for family.

I slept very little last night, about two hours split up. I started becoming very negative and bitter about feeling so normal at that time but still in hospital. But I knew at 1am last night that 72 hours ago had I not come here...the reality is its the closest to death, medically, I've ever come. And I've been close before.

I wrote long drafts that I hope are saved for me to parse on a proper pc. I sought wisdom from mentors in calls and text.

I am not ashamed to admit I "worked" out yesterday. I measured off the distance around the nurses station, 22 laps = 1 mile and walked 1.5 miles dragging my IV tower with me.

Bottom line, I am bored and a bit guilty because of it. So much pain around me and no longer any in me. The 100's of messages have been truly my only salvation. thank you.

I'll post again after the doc tells me yes or no about going home.



At 6:33 AM, Blogger M said...

I hope today's the day to get the heck out of there. I am relieved to hear that you are feeling much better, but seriously, take it easy with the working out, no matter how good you might be feeling right now. Coming that close to death is nothing to mess with.

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I know it's got to be frustrating to be treated like you're sick when you feel just fine. No quiet hobbies or projects you can work on?

Treat it like you would a long training day when you're not in the mood-- break it up into smaller bits, make a plan for each hour or half hour, and get it done.

Try to trust the process, if not for yourself then for the sake of your loved ones who don't deserve to have to call the ambulance for you again so soon!

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Spandex King said...

I knew the knots could not hold you down. Take some time a get better and retake the fight another day. I know how boring it is to be layed up. Maybe they should move you over with Iron-Kahuna and you guys can race wheelchairs or somthing.

Take Care

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Rest. Relax. Recuperate. (I'm telling myself this now too).

The CPK can be an indicator of some serious muscle damage, as you well know, so don't take it lightly. As long as you've got muscle damage going on you've got potential stressors to kidney function as well.

Healing takes TIME.

Patience, grasshopper.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Carrie said...


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Only you would figure out the laps around the nurses station. I bet the nurses love that. :-) Take it easy, would ya? You don't want a relapse or anything.

Lord, Be with Comm. Let him sense your peace Lord. Please bring down his CPK numbers so he can get on his way. Please touch and heal his body completely. Lord, Maybe there is someone in that hospital that needs to meet Comm and be encouraged. Please help Comm to find that person and touch their life. There is a reason you are keeping him there. Please help him see what that reason is and use him Lord for your glory during this very trying time. Please Lord be with Mistress and Mo during this time as these situations can be trying on the whole family. I ask all these things in your Holy name, Amen!!

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

doctors go to school for a loooonnnnngggg time, comm. you have to trust them to do what's best for you.

in other news, how's that hospital gown treating you? i only ask because my imagination is running wild. please post pics! ;)

you know... when things are going to hell around me and i'm feeling down... well, you know, that's what my blog is for. my blog is how i cope with the madness. if i can laugh at something or write about something re-DICK-u-less, i find it easier to handle.

just a thought.

take care of yourself, bro.

At 8:11 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

What everyone else said. You are tough as nails but quite honestly that toughness and has not served you well lately. Time to get in to a nice loooong book or a DVD series or something. Never mind walking in circles. You have muscle damage and you need to heal. And there's another muscle that might be the problem and it isn't one that you want to mess with.

Think of Mighty Mo and Mistress and chill out, my friend. Consider this your hardest ordeal ever and approach it with the same tenacity and determination you have shown toward your training.

You have a BIG fan club - hollah! Time to rest.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger J~Mom said...

I hope you get the news to go home today but if you need to stay try not to fight them! :>) Do you need some more movies?

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Rainbow said...


We have been worried about you since race day and are glad you are on the mend. We wish we could have spoken with you this weekend and met mistress and mighty mo. Hopefully you will be better soon, though it sounds like from your "training" experiene, that you are on the way.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

"Remember that Ironman dude I told you about? The one that came in almost dead? Well, today he walked about 30 laps around the nurses' station pushing his IV pole. I tell you what, these triathlon people are nuts."

In your defense, maybe the activity helped flush the muscle-damage enzymes out of your system. Or not.

~Sigh~ C'mon, Comm, you've proved your manhood already. Wait till next week before you start walking or whatever. Your muscles are damaged. Your electrolytes are tenuous. Your kidneys are trying to process all that crap still floating around in your circulation.

The Lord can't make you better if you're working against Him.


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