Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm with Stoopid..

Taper is getting to me. Almost more time getting massages and rehab on my legs than training so far this week. I know I am supposedly getting stronger but feeling weak and less important.

I was told as I healed I would feel all kinds of aches and pains in taper that I didn't have in training. So true.

I have mentioned in the past I have had a lot of head injury's, internal and external, and as a result it sometimes becomes difficult to insert the right word into my conversations, sort of G-rated Tourette's, no cursing, I just use a non-linear words in place of what I really mean. For example when Mistress asked me if I filled up our 5-gallon water jugs at the store, I replied, "The waters in the tent" Instead of saying, "The waters in the garage."

When she asked me if I wanted a peice of homemade pizza, I replied, "I already have pizza on the truck" when I meant to say, "I already have pizza on the table."

It's frustrating for both of us, mostly for me because I immediately understand the words coming out of my mouth don't make sense and neither do the next one or two words I spit out to correct myself, "truck...sofa...chair...table". By the third word it makes more sense but frustrating nevertheless.

So I must be mentally tired...nowMistress just came over to talk to me while I am typing this post and I made no sense at all. I just stop talking and apologized.

In other great news tonight I jammed my fourth toe into a door frame and its black and blue and somewhat swollen. I don't think its broken but its not bending either. I do recall being able to say exactly what was on my mind as I hopped around my bedroom with my foot in my hand.

I have a headache. I am going to sit in my jacuzzi for twenty and hit the sack.


At 7:00 AM, Blogger Joy | Love | Chaos said...

When I do stuff like switch my words around (which sadly happens all too often, absent any head trauma), MightyM asks me whether or not I had stupid for lunch. And, you know, some times I really feel like I had a heaping plate of it!

Hope the toe feels better!

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, Comm's ... I *know* those feelings!!!! Only too well. (I discovered the hard way that the orthopaedist is not happy about being called the podiatrist. At least to his face.) My word finding issues tend to be similar sounding words, but equally frustrating. Add conditions of interference ... ugh!!! Or Aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

Ideally, today will be ever so much better ...

At 7:09 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

We're related. Though I've never had a running injury I usually stub my toe before a big event like my first marathon (actually chipped a piece of the toenail off), my first tri and my first HIM.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

Comm - I don't know if that is b/c of your head injuries. My husband does the same thing all the time!


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Cliff said...


I am with you on the toe thing. I always jam my pinky on the door or the corner of the wall. Painful.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Its not broken, I believe. Though a beautiful shade purple/black.

I am thankful for all the compliments that elevate my shortwire, is that the word, to basic not thinking about what being said.

The beauty of blogging is that it I have a backspace/delete key to make corrections. Cant do that in public.


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