Monday, September 11, 2006

Weekend training

Hit and miss this weekend.

Saturday I woke up feeling like I wanted to be anyplace but at thelake for my 4,000 yard swim. it was a rare instance of feeling like Ironman Florida is a job. I got into the water I felt a great pain in my shoulder, I must have slept on it wrong or something. After the first 1,000 I couldn't get my right arm to stretch out for a full stroke and when I pulled underwater my arm was weak and moved around too much also causing me some discomfort. I called it a day at 1,750 yards.

Sunday I woke up at 3:30 a.m. after falling asleep at 12:30 a.m. I laid in bed for three hours before falling asleep. Nothing terrible on my mind, just unable to conk out. Started my ride at 0500 to get in 60 miles and I felt great. Man I felt great. Ended up doing 81 miles total with average speed of just under 20 mph. I truly feel, with the same conditions, I could have pulled the other 32 miles at the same. Did I say I felt great. I did!

The group of five that started or finished with me, all started to peel off and go home I and decided it was getting really hot and had already more than accomplished my ride for the day. I and one other took off for our run but the heat crippled up right off. We ran just 3 miles. Neither of us were terribly beat up from our rides and on the run our heart rates were low and speed was consistant but the sun just stung our bodies. It was very uncomfortable to be out there running in the desert. I think we wisely made the right decision.

Man what a ride.


At 12:03 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

you do remember, you initiated a leetle conversation with me, about how you are going to obliterate my bike split in Florida and expose me for the poser that i am.

you remember that, don't you?

because, i'm here to remind you that it is still on. IT IS SO ON.

i hope my 110 miles at altitude mile high plus this weekend, with 3,000 feet of gain, and 97-100% humidity reminds you that is still on.

because, it is. ON.

hopefully, next weekend, when you remember that you weren't terribly beat up by last weekend's ride, that you will remember that 81 miles, and thinking you could have pulled another 32, is a bit different than doing that 32 and knowing.

i'm just sayin'.

enjoy your ride next weekend UCMS Commodore, i'll be thinking of you on my weekly century.


At 5:26 AM, Blogger :) said...

I think I will stay out of this one... :)

Nice ride though. I love it when I feel like that!

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I like to see that...between CMS and Bold :)


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