Thursday, September 07, 2006

Consequences of expenditure

My ranting and raving yesterday lasted most of the day and I expended way to much energy by being so fired up. The hard bike in the morning and then the run in the afternoon took a lot out of me to. Got home at a good time though which is cool.

After Mo went to bed I hopped in the spa and instead of turning on the jets which are kind of loud, I played a thunderstorm cd for some background noise while reading a book. That also really drained me. I laid down on the floor to cool off after the spa and it was lights out for me. Woke up an hour later and dragged myself to bed.

Today I am dragging. Legs are heavy, mind in a fog, hungry as all get out. I've had three breakfasts this morning. This is the twillight of the ironman training I suppose and I am used to this sensation later in the day or on a Sunday afternoon after four straight long training days but not immediately upon rising. Normally I am pretty even keeled in the morning.

Ultimately I think the time in the spa and especially the tremendous amount of lunatic raving I did yesterday did me in and drained me dry.

Let hope the coffee picks me up.


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