Thursday, September 07, 2006

Amazon equals.....

Nytro and I are having a disagreement and I need your help, ESPECIALLY YOU GUYS OUT THERE.

I called her an Amazon.
She took great offense.

I explained that if a guy is in a bar and hit his buddy on the shoulder and said, "Check out that Amazon over there." That his buddy's expectations would be to see a tall woman, with a feminine figure (be it voluptous, curvy, big chested) and not a fat hag. Its a compliment to her figure and an expression of her height. I have met Nytro in person a few times by the way so I know what she looks like, she is tall, has a good figure and a fierce warrior spirit.

Nytro disagrees. She thinks the term amazon is derogitory to females. I told her I was taking this to the blog and let you people sway her opinion. First, I pulled this from Wikipedia.

In the 20th century..., the typical depiction of the characters is as an isolated community of powerful and beautiful warriors whose respect and cooperation the male heroes are challenged to earn.

The most famous modern example of an Amazon is the superhero Wonder Woman (top pic). Amazons were also frequently featured on the Xena: Warrior Princess (Xena's sidekick, Gabrielle, was herself an Amazon, and Xena, while technically not being one, fits the image of a warrior-woman) (second pic) and Hercules: The Legendary JourneysRobert E. Howard's minor character Red Sonja, (third pic) who was fleshed out more in the Conan the Barbarian comic books and subsequently in her own movie, also owes much to this modern sympathetic treatment of Amazons. television series. I included the one from the simpsons.

Next I did a google image search for 'Amazon Women'. Here I did it for you. Not a unflattering picture to be seen.

Look. I am not trying to demean the character or appearence of Nytro or any woman. Its a compliement. The term 'Amazon' is a colloquialism used by men to describe a certain type of female form. My wife, the precious Mistress, is an Amazon.

So Guys. Am I right in stating that the term Amazon used to describe a woman is a good thing? Back me up here.

And Flame On Ladies. If you think I am a complete jerk for saying this go ahead and make your case. If you think its a compliment tell us that too.

If I am wrong and public opinon bears this out I promised a full on screen apology to Nytro, a drink when their here next month and an autographed 8x10 glossy of me.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Um, you're asking us if we think Nytro is out to lunch? Um, you want to get us killed?

From an online dictionary Amazon def:
1) Greek Mythology - A member of a nation of women warriors reputed to have lived in Scythia.
2) A tall, aggressive, strong-willed woman.

I'd say #2 pretty much has Nytro's number, from what I can tell online.

And I never consider Amazon a derogatory term - I consider it a compliment, myself.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Glen said...

Lets you know something funny, Xena the princess warrior princess is from my home town in New Zealand and her husband at the time of the show was good friends with my dad. She got ride of him after two seasons of the show. She is a bitch in real life.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

you're going to lose this one, comm.

i have three votes in my office alone... FROM GUYS... that say it's not a compliment.

rum and coke.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

it's an INSULT to a woman.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

This is one that is laced with sensitivities similar to those of race and gender--what we lawyers call suspect or quasi-suspect classifications. I have never used the term as an insult, but as a sign of awe for the alpha specimen of her gender. That said, when dealing with suspect classifications, if you're not in the class (i.e., white dudes like me), you're opinion doesn't count. If the class member is insulted, it operates as an insult.

Just say, "yes, dear" and move on.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

wow... that's like one for and three against... not even counting the people who are lurking and agree with me.

sucks to be you comm... i'll expect the 8x10 to be you dressed up as an "amazon". complete with the bikini bottoms.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

A lurker who agrees with Nytro! I'd never want to be called an Amazon.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger 21st Century Mom said...

What Greyhound said. That was perfect. If Nytro doesn't like it then it's an insult to her and it doesn't much matter what you think. Actually, that's not entirely true. It matters enough that you can say,"I'm sorry I insulted you. I meant it as a compliment but I see you didn't take it that way." And then you turn it all around and get her to buy you a drink because you are such a nice guy.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Flo said...

Wow, I would totally take it as a compliment but at 5'4" I'll never be called that. My heros have always been strong women regardless of looks. So even if you called me an Amazon ONLY because you thought I could whoop you, I'd still consider it a compliment - cause I could kick your butt :)

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

I don't have strong feelings the term Amazon, especially in the scenario you present. It doesn't seem particularly derogatory. Not that I'll be called an Amazon because I'm 5'2.5" but strong and beautiful are fine with me. Now calling me princess is an entirely different matter.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger :) said...

um...maybe you can wear a princess leia gold bikini for your 8x10 photoshoot...

Nytro can post it on her blog too, right???

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I recall being called an Amazon one time and I couldn't find the compliment either. I didn't get it. Sure I had nice muscles but at 5'4" and 115lbs I didn't see how "amazon" could ever be used to describe me. All that came to mind was some big burly man-woman. I've gotta side with Nytro on this one.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Alright Com, this is where you take your foot out of your mouth. First, the pictures from google images ARE unflattering. For instance, you have a pic of what looks to be a witch, a Simpson cartoon, an insanely "strong women" with testicles, a cartoon that looks like George Burns, ladies with lats, and finally, a woman holding a sword, or is that sword another penis? Anyhoo, I value my life and would never call Nytro an Amazon. For future reference, you may want to keep that one to yourself. Just my suggestion. Good luck Commodore, she really likes her rum and cokes.

At 3:34 AM, Blogger Rainbow said...

Oh dear. I would have to say an Amazon is a large manly woman. This is what i learned in high school english class. I would have to say that you owe Nytro a drink, not because she is my friend, but because well...that was just a mistake. Of course this is coming from someone who compared an Athena to male cross dresser a couple of weeks ago, so I have been in that dark, scary place with Nytro. Just apologize.

At 5:22 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Nope..don't like the term!! We have this very tall, very shapely woman in our office..she's not very anyone..we call her the Amazon woman..not very nice!!

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Commodore, regardless of the outcome of the voting here, you're in a Catch 22. There are lots of terms that are entirely dependent upon the receiving party (see Grey's comment).

For the record, I agree that "Amazon" isn't particularly offensive, and that any "insult" is a perception of the individual.

That said, I still think you're screwed on this one. The truth is that if your comment offended Nytro, you must apologize (which it sounds like you did, complete with explanation). Nytro is then obligated to accept your apology, so long as you refrain from future comments of the same nature. Putting it to the people is sure to cost you a drink.

Most will see that Nytro disliked your comment (whether serious offense or good natured "Don't call me that"), and vote with her.

I think you were on safe ground, but will still have to pony up the drink and picture.

At 6:53 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

I think people are voting with Nytro just because they're scared of her. See my earlier comment.

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Note to self..never call a girl Amazon...ever...

At 8:16 AM, Blogger Rainbow said...

Oxford English dictionary summation: women tribe from Scythia and masculine woman. Just to let you know.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

I stand w/Nancy. It's a compliment. But I guess anything can be a compliment or an insult... depending on the tone used.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Okay, despite Nytro and Comm going back and forth on who has what votes, here's how I count them. Five definite compliment votes. Six definite not so complimenty votes. Two wishy washy non-complimenty leaning votes (sorry Benny, you're one of them).

If they counted as half votes, that would be 7-5 in Nytro's favor, so far. Offline votes don't count.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Just for the record, loriloo voted on Nytro's site, and not here. She was with Nytro. So that would actually make it 8-5.

You're losing ground here, Comm. You might want to consider some campaigning.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

whoa, whoa, whoa... benny's vote was a definite no-compliment.

that makes it 9-5.


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