Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tale of the tape...

Love him or hate him, President George W. Bush is the fittest president this country has ever seen. His statistics are more attuned to an olympic athlete than a elder statesman. His yearly medical evaluation was posted online for all to see before the evening news could even report it.. Cough, cough, Clinton never disclosed his in eight years, cough, cough. Okay that was a jab, but c'mon people read these numbers and not be impressed. I wish I had some of those number right now, let alone 24 years from now.

Vital Statistics- (President George W. Bush, aka Dubya, aka #43)

Age: 60 years old

Height: 71.50 inches (without shoes)

Temperature: 97.5 degrees F (oral)

Weight: 196.0 # (last year 191.6#)

Body Composition: Body fat 16.8% (last year 15.65%; normal for age 16.5-20.5%; Cooper data)

Resting heart rate (seated): 46 bpm

Resting blood pressure (seated): 108/68

The President underwent Balke protocol exercise treadmill testing (ETT) with echocardiogram. He exercised for a total of 26:02 minutes achieving a maximum heart rate of 179 bpm with a 1-minute recovery of 148 bpm (31 beat differential). No signs or symptoms of cardiovascular pathology were noted. Stress echocardiogram was normal. Screening ultrasound of the abdominal aorta was normal.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Spandex King said...

I think we found out more than we wanted to about good old Bill. W is awesome!!!

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I never realized Dubya was so tall.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

okay, i think you have an idea about my thoughts on old georgie boy... but i will say this about the man: when benny and i were looking to make a lifestyle change, we happened to catch a news story on the prez that talked about how much he ran and/or biked. we thought to ourselves: if the leader of the free world has time to work out, the excuse we have of not having enough time is bullshit.

of course, i also said that about J-Lo after a news story on her daily workout regimine.... i seriously heart her butt. seriously.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Flo said...

They were saying on the news this morning, he works out 6 days a week. On Larry King he said he perfers afternoon workouts. He generally leaves around 4:30 to workout, then goes back to work.

Like Nytro, I figured if the most important leader in the world can find the time, so can I.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

I think I'd have a little trouble getting in the zone with the guys in the mirrored shades and suits standing around watching my treadmill workout. Nothing like getting judged by Hans und Franz, who carry guns and stop bullets for a living.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i'm with Nytro, well i'm not actually with her, just on her intent.

when i heard that W exercises daily, and stops work at 5 every day, and stuff like that... i thought my goodness, if the president can do that, then why not me...

i think about that often when i am waffling about work-life-TRI balance...

p.s. he's also the most unpopular president in Canada, and in Boulder evah. i think there's no correlation there with his fitness though...

At 9:17 AM, Blogger jp said...

I think it's great that he's in such good shape.

But I wish he would take advantage of his own example to push some policy on health and fitness. At least talk about it once in a while. Obesity is running rampant in this country, some attention to this issue by W might help.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

dang he is fit. Nice resting HR and good blood pressure.


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