Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Success

Last nights party just rocked. I was to have a different role than one I played but I am not complaining, nope not one bit.

Mistress and Mighty Mo did not go because the facts are he is just too susceptable to illness and the flu bug is crashing holiday plans throughout the Valley Of The Sun. All things considered I would not have seen them anyway.

I arrived early enough to work with the caterers, go over expectations with the Scottsdale Gun Club and solve any last minute problems. The range cadre and I hit it off immediately, them with their absolute professionalism and humility towards me and I looking comfortable and confident in an all black designer suit with my 'race belt' underneath; that being a holstered custom .45 on my right hip and seven extra mags on my left side. There really is nothing different between wearing a suit and wearing a concealed firearm. If your self conscious about wearing either one, everyone sees it. Being able to pull off both at the same time speaks volumes about your background to these guys.

About 20 minutes before the party I went out on the firing line to put some rounds downrange before I would be consumed with details of the night. I had not shot in many months and wanted to get reaquainted with my trusty and upgraded Kimber Compact. In 15 minutes I had confirmed my ability with the cadre and they allowed me to assist them on the line.

What was really the best about this employee party was that about half of the 200 people who showed up went on the line. With free handgun use and targets, a box of ammo can go a long way. I personally walked a few people to the line to show them how to first respect, then use a loaded firearm. The instructors, always polite, brought their considerable experience to them as well.

Soon enough the big toys came out, employees renting full auto rifles. The first, a manager using the venerable M-16 in A3 configuration (The M-16 is my favorite weapon of all time). Amongst the .22's and 9mm and .45 cal's. there is no comparison to noise. After a few spent magazines and supercharged hormones, I was challenged to a shoot out. After his magazine was slowly and methodically spent, it took me only 5 seconds to win my first case of beer for the night.

My shot of the night was a 25 yard dead center hit with a .50 cal Smith and Wesson. It is the first and only time I have evered fired it. Even the cadre behind me were duly impressed. I about crapped myself.

In order to generate some more full auto rentals, the staff brought out a full auto AK-47 and gave people a couple magazines to shoot for free. There was only a few takers, so when I could I would step in and empty a few. At the end of the night I asked if I could fire up 5 mags and I just tore it up, 10-20-30 rounds a trigger pull.

I won my second case of beer on a duel with a .357 magnum at only 15 feet. He knew I fired 3 shots but could only find two holes in the center of the head right next to each other, compared to his neck, ear and opposite forehead shots.

In all, except for getting more ammo out of my bag and raffling off two prizes, I spent the entire 3 hours on the firing line. I fired up 500 rounds of my own .45 ammo, 90 rounds of M-16, 300 rounds of AK-47, 60 rounds of 9mm out of a H&K MP5 (full auto and my 2nd favorite assualt weapon), and a couple hundred rounds of miscellanious .22, .357, .50, and 9mm. A bunch of guys had their dander up over shooting a semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun with solid slugs but too be honest that doesn't turn me on. Full auto turns me one. Beautiful ten ring shot groups and hot barrels turn me on.

After the party wound down, I knew it had because there was only two of us on the line, I realized I had not eaten, drank water or used the bathroom since the party started. I was suddenly very tired and drained. I helped clean up with the other guy who set up the event, who told me BTW that it went very well out where he was, and gave a bottle of left over unopened wine to each of the line cadre thanking them for their considerable effort to make the party fun. They were very suprised so many people fired. They were excited because there was lots of fit and beautiful young women firing in short cocktail dress and 3 inch heels. They said it looked like Charlies Angels out there.


At 8:08 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Glad you kept Mo home and kept him healthy. I was worried about him. :-)

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Employee party with guns? Yikes, you're brave. Hope they don't go postal because now they know where to aim.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Ahhh... here's one way we are not alike Comm. I never qualified higher than a sharpshooter on the Marines KD course (expert is highest in the Corps, marksman lowest, then of course unqualifed... but well, let's just say you don't go UNQ in the Marines), though I once hit 10 of 10 bulls from 500 yards in prone position without my glasses on simply by counting over blurry targets from the center line and aiming at the center of the blurr I thought was mine.

As far as pistols, we shot the .45 when I was in (didn't have to qualify). The instructor's advice to me was that if I ever had to rely on a pistol, I'd be better off throwing it at someone!

At 10:20 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

By the way, if you haven't already read it, a great grunt-level account of war in the pacific is E.B. SLedge's "With the Old Breed at Peleliu". Probably have to get it on Amazon, though. My copy will never leave my possession.

At 9:01 PM, Blogger Mr. Apropos said...

OMG, that sounded around a zillion times better than any of the holidaze parties I'll be attending. Amazing props for setting that up!

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

dude, mod the M16 with a suppressor, and a scope, how fun would that be...

At 9:07 AM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

That sounds like a blast! I haven't been target shooting in years. My Grandpa is a gun dealer and has a lot of really cool weapons - he's got some friends in the military who would come to him to target shoot because he had the good stuff. I remember target shooting with a BAR when I was 12. The army guys thought it was hysterical to see a little girl laid out on the ground with the bi-pod and everything, but I ended up kicking their butts on that target.


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