Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I was listening to a radio program last week and they were talking about FCA and its impact on football programs in high schools around the country. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. There are all kinds of Hall of Fame coaches and players along with up and comers and current stars in their roll call which made me curious since you don't often here about athletes who profess Christianity. They are more likely to profess about Ho's and drugs and out of wedlock kids and a gangster lifestyle. And thats just the NBA. But I went to their website and found that they have a 'division' for endurance athletes.

I swear I am not going to get preachy. I am going to be completely alturistic.

I have no problem letting my beliefs known and while I have had a personal issue with all the team in training and run for a cause stuff, I felt last night that I could get behind a group like this. Will I have anything substantive to do with them? I would like to think so, I agreed to wear their logo in a race next year. They probably don't have a big endurance community out here, but I open listed my name in their database so if their is a local rep who is on the ball, maybe I will get a call.

But if your interested in joining, here is the link.

I really did it more for the fact that its an affiliation with a group I can understand. I would be interested in learning more and membership doesn't cost anything, unless you want some inexpensive water bottles or actually they have a pretty nice tri-jersery.

I think all of us would like to have some cache behind our training. Whether that be raising a couple grand for a cause or just telling people you race for dear aunt Leslie who you haven't seen in ten years but died of some common medical condition that is cause-celeb. I do not mean to denegrate people who commit themself to an issue that has touched their life, rather organizations that capitalize on that sorrow. Anyway, much like an academic would list all his credentials on a business card or a doctor all his degrees and specialitys, or a soldier with all his Tabs, having FCA affliation to those that care, know where I stand and I don't mind that one bit.

It will look nice on my business card next to Partner, Apex, NASM, CBW and in the future...

PS: any guesses on what CBW stands for? Hint, maybe only the sarcastic or lazy have a chance; Its not really my job, or on my card, but what I tell people my position in the company is.


At 6:54 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Chief Bottle Washer.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

You are so correct my fellow sarcastic blogger. Must be from all the govt employees you live by.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I got tagged and I feel obligated to keep it going so're it. If you haven't been tagged then you'll have to check out the rules on my last post.

By the way, nice ring! If I may, I read into the post that you and your wife understand that you evolve as individuals. Nice support system. Carbon fiber is a great tribute to your IM goal.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Zag, I will get to you. Dry your eyes and buck up little beaver.


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