Tuesday, December 13, 2005

An (Un)Shiny Thing

A funny thing happened on the way to our 10th wedding anniversary this month. Mistress and I have this funny little dance when it comes to probing for gifts. She says, "What do you want?" and I don't really want anything because I just go out and buy stuff when I want it. With her, I tend to probe and remember her comments then get something and give it too her right away because I can't hold back gifts.

To make a long story shorter, yada yada yada she says we should get new rings for our 1oth anniversary. I know this sounds just stupid, but I was like, "Whatever, I'll just get a cheapy working band for $50." (I still wear my original ring, which I really like, but its huge and when its hot out or after a long workout my hand swells and its uncomfortable. She hasn't worn her original band for a few years but believe me she's been wearing a more expensive ring that I bought her right after Mighty Mo was born.) So she say's she'll go look around over a weekend.

I'm thinking I am going to get hosed for a $10,000 ring and she comes back with a $30 plain gold band, telling me she will get her antique engagement ring resized for a matching set. Is this a great woman or what? Crap, I've bribed, I mean *cough*cough* bought her a hundred times that in jewerly this year alone. She needs to buy more of her own stuff. She bought me a nice titanium band.

But I wasn't satisfied. The titanium band is nice but I couldn't figure if my unease was because I was used to the original band or something else, so I finally prayed long on it and asked for a sign to let me know one way or the other. I know, praying over a ring, not really a high priority thing but I wanted some type of closure. The next day I was forced to finally come up with a Christmas list and was online surfing for stuff...

Sidenote: Am I the only one who copy's pictures of what I want online and pastes them to an Office document, including the price, item number and web address?

...and I came across a ring made of Carbon Fiber. Carbon Fiber? How cool is that? I mean cyclist and triathletes are always trying to upgrade to Carbon Fiber gear. Carbon Fiber is super light. So I asked Mistress if she thought a Carbon Fiber ring on my wedding finger would be wierd, she says "No." Again, is this a great woman or what?

So here is my new wedding band, a new Shiny (Unshiny) Thing. I have got to get this thing weighed. I can't even feel it on my finger.


At 3:47 AM, Blogger William said...

I have a silver bullet I use in emergency situations. This one works 100% of the time for me despite the level of anxiety, stress or inability to sleep.

I use Dimenhydrinate when I feel a apanic attack coming on or it is preventing me from sleeping.

This is gravol or anti-nauseant and the ones I have now are 50 mg.

I am very drug sensitive so I do have a mild "hang over" in the morning unless I give myself a good 8-10 hours of sleep.

However, the symptoms are gone in the morning and I feel refreshed and in a more restful place mentally.

At 4:23 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Wow, very cool!

My husband's wedding band is inscribed, "Put that back on". :-)

At 4:33 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

I'm getting a ring through my nose to make my husband happy..hahaha...where on earth did you find that ring???

At 6:52 AM, Blogger :) said...


At 7:25 AM, Blogger Cliff said...


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Okolo said...

Nice ring.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Flo said...

Very nice ring!!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

perfect ending, to a perfect post.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Ben, aka BadBen said...

REALLY Cool ring. I'd like one like that. My wife and I are looking for a new one for me, since mine has actually worn-out to a paper thin sliver, and I can't wear it without getting cut.

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

that's pretty slick Comm. Beats my WalMart ring. Yes, I wear a wedding band from WalMart. That's a rather sad thing. heh.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Dude, that is the feakin' sweetest thing I've ever seen. How much was that bad boy? Be careful, I bet it scratched easy. After your Ironman, you should get an mdot engraved into it. That would be sweet. Probably deface the true meaning of the ring though. You know, marriage. Anyway, sweet ring. I just don't think I could part with my original issue ring. I'm reptty fond of it. Take care and be careful with that puppy.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i must agree with everyone... that is a pretty cool ring. if benny had been into triathlon back when we got married, i would have gotten him one of those... but if it does scratch easily, he never would be able to wear it with his job.

secret of falling asleep: read my early blogs. total snoozefest.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

That is totally sweet! Carbon fibre! I love it! :)


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