Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well This Should Be Fun

So far this looks to be an okay set up for the conference. I only have to deal with a/v stuff this year, I don't have a speech or anything like last year when I memorized a 35 minute speech on leadership and recited it verbatim. I actually enjoyed that and was considered the best presentation of the conference. I didn't actually think so as I only memorized someone elses speech and didn't have to create anything. BTW, if you have the time, read that speech on leadership. If you don't bookmark the page and come back to it.

I only have one small problem this year, its this woman. I will call here Fifi. Fifi is the most annoying person I have ever met. She drove me nuts last year and already I am ready thinking bad things. Everything she says is annoying and off topic.

The rest of us are in sensible business or quasi-athletic attire (we are in the fitness business ya know) but Fifi is in cotton draw sting clam digger pants and flip flops with a big flower on the 'toe stem'. Totally bohemian. '

Fifi runs a minor department, yet considers herself a player at the table. Unfortunatley she is led to believe that she's a player. She calls her department a term that is coined by our competitor and it drives me nuts. It is one of my biggest pet peeves to hear employees use other company's lingo to describe our departments and services.

We re-designed our conference room to accomidate a new academy we are starting. We took a bunch of old plaques down to give to the clubs that won them and they were stacked in a corner. I made a crack about handing out awards at the conference to the Arizona clubs and a Washington person had a canniption fit that we were giving out awards and they weren't. I thought she might have an attack that there was not some sort of parity to whats going on. Ah politics.

I have a real dry humor and make a lot of remarks that if you didn't know me, would think that I was just being extremely forward or rude. Of course 100% of the people I am close too know this as they have the same type of humor, but there is always that guilable person that takes everything sooooo seriously.

I hope I can keep it together for the next three days. Lord, I pray that my hamstring heals up for my climb up Camelback, if I don't get out of it. I pray you give me wisdom to keep my big mouth shut and supernatural power to stay awake during the boring presentations.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger :) said...

Coffee, man, coffee! Why do you think God made caffeine? The Christian drug of choice!

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

I LOVE your little prayer. Totally going to use that one at my next meeting!


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