Friday, May 20, 2005

I Love New Gadgets

I bought a new toy and can't wait for it to arrive. I have generally been very jealous of Tri Geek Kahuna and Wil, for their ability to post just really amazing pictures and seamlessly incorporate them into their daily posts.

Then I found out that Kahuna has a staff photographer, Kevin, who follows him around the world to Alaska, London, Wildflower, I think I saw a picture of him at Stonehenge, I wish he had followed him for his beach run wearing only a Speedo and a smile a few months ago. Wil on the other hand, is pretty enough to give her camera to anyone who falls under her spell and they will give it back to her, instead of running off with it like they would with me, or that she too has a posse of paparazzi that follow her around.

So I made some changes. First I downloaded Flickr, which so far is easier to post photos online than Hello. Though Hello does have some really good, quick editing functions that I haven't seen yet with Flickr. Second instead of my normal routine of NOT packing a big bulky digital camera on my runs and rides I bought a Philips Keyring Camera.

No battery, just plug the USB into a slot for a recharge. With Win XP there is no additional drivers to install its reads like a jump drive, with drag and drop capability into my picture folders. It is incredibly small so I can tuck it into the key pocket inside my running shorts or on my water belt, it comes with a lanyard but probably won't use it. Now I can take 2.0 mp photos during my workouts and not be encumbered. I am so excited. It should be here next week. I found it on for only $59.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Tracy said...


What awesome little camera! I need to get one like that, too, as the camera crew is getting expensive ;)

At 7:47 AM, Blogger soccerdad said...

i can't wait to see some commodore "action shots"!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Woo, looks cool! I have a fairly old kludgy digital camera that is heavy and I never take it on runs any more. I need a new toy like this!!!

At 8:16 AM, Blogger :) said...

Very cool indeed...

Stop posting new tech items as I will need one of these now!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Soooooo where are the pics???

At 2:03 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I agree with flatman, I'm still in the doghouse for the bike I bought! Incidently I just posted my first pic (of the fish) with Hello.


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