Thursday, May 19, 2005

A bit of the nerves

I have my first 1-on-1 lesson with my new swim instructor in an hour and then if I am not completely fried after the 30 minute lesson I will stay for the triathlete swim group he runs several times a week.

But I am a little nervous. I know I am not a strong swimmer and I am eager to learn and I like being coached and motivated...but still..its swimming. I am self conscious about myself, by myself, let alone in a group of others wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. And I brought both, the normal board trunks I wear when I must be around a pool and people and my VERY conservative Speedo brief, that I wear during my 0400 swim when I am by myself in the pool. I guess I just have that feeling of not wanting the be the last guy in the pool or the last guy to make it to the side or being the 'big' guy poolside.

Also I have a bit of the nerves because I have two huge projects coming due within the next week. My company holds a big fitness contest for the employees and I am the one ultimately responsible to make sure its judged fairly and accurately (theres lots of money involved and ego and competition) and the awards dinner afterwards, plus all the computer scoring and assorted issues that arise. Its a tremendous strain on me and will write about that probably Sunday to decompress.

Next week is a big conference of all the key people in Pure Fitness from both States, Arizona and Washington. I really don't want to be in it but I know its important. This year I don't have anything to teach but again I am in charge of setting up the conference room, making sure all the audio/visual issues are sorted out and that kind of stuff. Last year I did all that plus memorized a 35 minute speech verbatim to give to all assembled. I have somewhat of a photographic memory, if I do say so myself.

I just found out today that I will be going into a recording studio to dub a letter my boss/partner wrote and it will be put onto a CD and given to everyone plus extras for other people. You may not know this but I do have a rather good reading voice. Its just that with all the other things going on I have no clue how to fit a two to three hour block to get to a studio and record this letter. I read through it once today and it was 45 minutes of talking. I know I am going to need to re-dub some areas, as I can't do a perfect job in one take. But my partner would not ask me to do something that I can't handle so I will handle it all.

Damn 45 minutes till my lesson.


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