Thursday, May 19, 2005

Allegric to Technology

I'm not sure if I have posted about this but I had a bad reaction to a Timex Marathon Heart Rate Monitor last year. Its still haunting me.

Long story short, after wearing this HRM for a few months I suddenly one day developed a really bad skin reaction to it, almost exactly like a chemical burn. It itched, rashed out, developed bumps, the only thing it did not do was peel over its three week healing. So obviously I put it away. Every few months I would try it on and get the same reaction. Each time doing something else to it to clean, to see if it was a reaction to an agent I used on it.

I finally contacted Timex last month and they were very helpful and concerned and asked me to send the HRM for a free replacement. I finally got my new one Monday and tested it for only an hour and a half. Here is the results...

You can even see the dot on my right side rash which was the slot for the strap. I took this picture the next morning to e-mail to Timex and see what they say.

Obviously I can't wear this anymore, and it must be my skin's reaction to the material used, not the fault of Timex, I love Timex gear. So I am thinking of switching to another HRM and wonder which ones you people use? I am thinking of going really hi-tech with a system like Polar, Garmin or Nike, that can capture HR, running and cycling information, though I have issues with all of them.

I have used Polar in the past and found their watch interface really difficult for me to get used to compared to Timex. I owned an original Polar HRM back in 1995 and bought another before returning it for the Timex in late 2003. I also see they have a HRM that does not have the thick molded plastic that stretches across the front, just a little plastic in the middle for the sensor.So I may go back to them but not sold yet. I simply don't like Nike's watch design and number style. Garmin looks good but the watch is huge and only has a ten hour battery before a re-charge, thats annoying.

So any ideas?


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

OMG! That is definitely the band, but I wonder if it's the material or the electric current used in measuring your heart rate.

Yikes, though!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger :) said...

Scary rash dude..."better put some butter on it" /lame SNL reference/

I use a Polar S150 which does HR and Cycling functions. I also still use my Cateye bike computer for the cadence functions. If I don't "watch" my self, I can get really distracted with all the information. I have really tossed about gettting a Garmin Forerunner for running, so I can check my pace, speed and distance without running a set course. This is really appealing to me, since I get bored running the same courses over and over, just because I know where the mile markers are.

I am interested in what you finally get, as I am a tech geek who is always looking for the latest and greatest toy!

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

That's bizarre! I've never heard of that. Are you allergic to latex, by any chance? It may be a component of the rubber.

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

I have never been allergic to anything in my life...well except lactose. Do you think the HRM was made of cheese?

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure TIMEX is non-dairy, but you never know...anything to save a buck these days.


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