Monday, May 23, 2005

This Is Not A Fun Day For Me

Well I am an idiot. I woke up in a lot of pain Sunday and didn't treat myself nearly anywhere close to how I should have. I will try to post my struggles with pulling off my company's fitness challenge and dinner/awards ceremony sometime this week in order to explain my condition this morning.

The results of all my efforts on Saturday ended with me throwing out my back in a big way and pinching a nerve in my spine. So Saturday night I went to bed with no feeling on the outside of my right hand and inside of my right foot. Isn't it funny how that happens? Oh yeah, plus the whole back outta whack hunched over walk thing.

When I woke Sunday, my inside right foot and big toe and outside right hand and last two fingers were numb to the touch. Kinda like when your foots asleep but you don't have the pins and needles sensation yet, kinda deadened. But I had invited my dad over to help clean up some palm tress in my front yard and get them to the dumps. Why did I not just cancel?

Well, there is a lot of different palm trees, these particular two that I have in my front yard happen to have a 'neuro-toxin' in the tips of their extremely, extremely sharp points. I know this because I was poked a few times last year and had some complications. I forgot about all that until the exact moment that I grabbed an end of a frond and got a tip speared about a 1/4 inch into the muscle between my right thumb and index finger. Not only did the puncture hurt like hell, but then it also went numb and can't make a decent fist to grab stuff.

So here I am with the outside part of my right hand numb and the inside part of my right hand hurting like I have been stabbed, oh wait... I have... by me. So the only part of my hand not giving me any problems is the one I use to flip people off. Plus I am bending over like a hundred times to clean up all the mess from the palms. Did I mention it hit 107 today.

Then I drive to the dump and it's closed. So now I have to go there before work today and unload this massive amount of tree debris before it dries out in the heat and starts blowing away. Then go to work and change into good clothes.

My hand is finally starting to stop throbbing from the puncture enough to hunt and peck my way through this post. The one smart thing I have done this whole time is I scheduled an appointment with my chiropractor for mid morning, I knew all the time I spent pushing and grabbing heavy weights would do me in and would need some help. Also no workout this morning. And to think this is supposed to be a busy, hectic week. God save me.


At 9:36 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Good thing for scheduling the appointment... I know how it is to overlook the important things when you feel you have so much else to do.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

OMG - you need a day off! Go and get some Chinese food tonight and relax, you've earned it.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger William Lobdell said...

holy crap. you defeated Common Man Syndrome simply by typing that post. you've got to get better. wildflower and ironman florida awaits.


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