Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Back to training

Well, its time to get back on it. Attempting my first day without cold medicine. I think most people describe how sick they are by how many days they spent in bed or by their symptoms or missed work. I can certainly use those terms but I usually base mine on how many days of training I miss. Today is one week. That sucks, I know. I am going to try some circuit training and treadmill walking.

In my past, I would knuckle under and just do whatever it takes to get the training done. Of course then I had training goals and race schedules. Now I just want to get well as fast as possible. The older I get I find the more tired I am when sick. A normal light five hour sleeper when healthy, when sick I will sleep a hard seven plus hours. AND I am beat the whole day.

I am not alone in this. It seems like 2006 with Mighty Mo. Kid says he doesn't feel good but has a completely normal day and then next morning BAM; bronchitis, sinus and ear infection. He just got off two weeks of antibiotics and now on two more for another two weeks. Mistress spent two hours at the doctors with him yesterday and he will be out of school most of the week because his immune system is shut down again. At least now we know what comes next in this little dance and we're prepping his system to combat the colitis that will attack his intestines.

Through it all the kid has a better disposition than me.

Its not enough to exist, I am going to live.


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