Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recovery in process

I kick started my training a little over a month ago. In that time I have been able to really study my body's reaction to all types of exercise in varied climates and terrain. What I realize, when it comes down to it, I need more recovery time between the more strenuous workouts. Depending on the type, time, weather and terrain, it may take me 36-48 hours to recover instead of the 12-24 hours it used to take.

I sort of feel like there is this little computer bar graph that drops from 100% rather quickly and goes back up rather slowly. Like watching a program loading up. It's "In Progress".

This is not a necessarily bad news. Knowing recovery time frames allows me to set up my training in a way that puts hard sessions a day or two prior to days that are already hard to schedule workouts and I can use those days as days off.

For the next month, I am going to change my training so that I am only training moderately or strenuously 4 days per week. The remaining days will be my usual daily exertions like mowing the grass or running up and down the field taking pictures for Mo's football games or active rest like walking.

Speaking of which, I picked up a nice treadmill for the family. Mistress will eventually need it for rehab on her ankle which is slowly, painfully, healing from her break in late June. Mighty Mo will start using it for 10-15 minutes every day for exercise. My active rest will also be done on the machine using some fast walking and the incline.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Recovery is key!


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