Monday, September 07, 2009

Body Response

An important aspect of any new fitness program is that you make fundamental changes gradually but quickly. Its almost impossible to create a new lifestyle by cold turkey and have it be sustainable. Those that enjoy a 'final' meal the night before a 'diet' only set themselves up to have a horrible time staying away from those pleasure food later on. Those that jump right into ten hour training weeks are setting themselves up for frustration due to lack of rapid results from their effort or worse, an injury.

Consistency is key. And though this is a holiday I maintained the program I established last week; I was out of the house early and all my training done before work.

I went back to the same route I ran Friday for my 3.25 mile benchmark. The same route I have ran for a decade. My second time running it this season and I cut 3.5 minutes off. Approximately 1 minute per mile. Still a couple minutes over a time I will happy with.

So what changed? Nothing really. Except maybe my resolve to be consistent. and be out there. My body remembered the ups and downs of a course I have run thousands of times and became more efficient today. It will do so the next time and the next. This is what allows a person to lower their training times and expend less energy while doing it.

It's so simple and yet so looked over when compared to the vision we create of ourselves finishing a race or looking a certain way. Being consistent makes you more efficient at what your doing. Being efficient lets you do more.

Do more.


At 5:17 PM, Blogger Taconite Boy said...

My current effort and consistency, other then training, is getting in the Sauna. Heat training.


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