Friday, September 04, 2009

First day back

How many more times in my life will I state, "First day back on a fitness program"? Well at least I make the statement. Someone said, "It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked on your ass, it matters how many times you get up."

I stayed on track time wise the whole morning, which was great since I left the house early, did three separate workouts (run/weight/bike) and got a shower in before hitting the desk. My baseline run loop of 5k was what I thought it would be. I have ten years of running on this loop so I know based on my times how to progress. Weight are weights, hard and fast. The bike allowed me to get some meditation and reading done. Some of the long time employees asked what race I was training for, as they are used to seeing me in the gym early when I am focused on a goal like a big endurance event.

Not this time. My September goal is to just be consistent with my training, make sure the family adapts, stay healthy and have fun. No racing. Moving into October and beyond I will step it up a notch, what that means and where that goes, I am not sure.

I may have a goal date though which is cool. We (company) put out a big bonus to our managers for next spring. If the company hits a specific goal and they meet their responsibility for it, we will take them and their spouse to Hawaii as a big company trip.

That's pretty cool for them and me. It gives me a great short term goal of getting beach ready for Oahu. In the meantime it's, "Be consistent, stay healthy, do the right thing at the right time, all the time."

There's treasure everywhere.


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