Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A countdown has begun

Beginning Friday morning, I will be officially back on a weekday training schedule. Yeah. Mistress and I had a very brief conversation about me leaving before everyone is up and going straight to work after training which has always produced consistency for me, rather than whatever I have had to do this year to accommodate working harder than ever in my life, a newborn, a Mighty Mo and a wife with a broken ankle.

Mistress is getting around just fine in her air cast and the broken ankle is healing well. The family has created a set schedule for the mornings, getting Mo to school and getting Mae ready for the world. Now that Mistress is home full time and ambulatory, I will unloaded the dishwasher, dry mop the hard wood floors, make Mo's lunch and my own, then hit the road.

I know some wife's reading this are wishing their husbands would do just one of those chores daily, but that is why I am such a great catch ;)

I am really looking forward to this. I have no idea where it will lead me. I have no idea what my focus will be. In the beginning it will just be about being consistent and in my case as safe and fun as possible.


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