Monday, March 02, 2009

Is it really square 1 when you start over?

Well I am at about 90% recovered from the month long lung and sinus crap that has plagued my part of the world. At least I did not have to go through this alone. I have a whole company of people who got it along with bloggy buddy Bigun.

A few more nights of extra sleep and I think I can start my morning routines again. I will confess I did not have a totally workout free weekend. I tried out a bike trainer on loan from my friend Andy and rode it for 30 minutes. It worked just fine and so did I, thank you very much. However I really need to get the Valdora into the shop for a drive cleaning and cable check. Had some problems there.

Living in the Valley of the the Sun has its perks and today is certainly one of those days. While the east coast, from Maine to Georgia, is being struck by a blizzard, the Valley is going to see 90 degrees. Gadzuks that early. I am hoping a short mid day run goes as planned.

How many times have I been to square one? A few to be sure. However each time it gets a little easier to get back on track. I am not the endurance athlete I was five years ago. I understand the habits, the causes, the effects, the personal costs, the motivation, the heart. Its not a new path for me. I hope this time being behind a bad cold and the birth of Baby Mae that things goes a bit more smoothly for a few months. Maybe get to Square 2.

There's treasure everywhere


At 11:56 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Yep, it seems half of blogosphere had some type of cold/flu bug recently. Glad you're improving!

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Beth said...

I found your blog through Jenny. I enjoyed reading it and will check back in. Congrats on the baby and hope you are 100% soon.


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